Basque-ing in Success

In a prosperous region stretching along the Atlantic coast of northern Spain, the people of the Basque Country are the custodians of one of Europe's most ancient languages and cultures. Yet, they not only have a high esteem for tradition, but are also remarkably forward-looking and
have established a highly regarded industrial sector.
The region's success and scientific and technological progress are underpinned by the University of the Basque Country, a vibrant 30-year-old institution with 45,000 students, 5,000 world-class academic staff and state-of-the-art facilities. Read more on our feature on Cambridge University´s Guide to Excellence.
Give and spread

Following our motto 'Give and spread knowledge', the University of the Basque Country is an integrating institution willing to produce knowledge, experience and research in order to forward them to the general public. Our courses catalogue consists of 67 Bachelor´s Degrees in all fields of knowledge. At postgraduate level, we offer 103 official master programmes, 44 professional & expert diplomas and 71 PhD programmes.
We believe in education as a means to arouse our students´ awareness of the world and develop precious skills both for career and life. Our surveyed graduates appraise, among the competences acquired while attending our institution: the improvement of their teamwork and leadership skills, the reinforcement of their decision-making and problem-solving ability and the unfolding of their creativivity.
Sea, School & Sun

Our Summer Courses, performed in Bilbao, Donostia-San Sebastián and Vitoria-Gasteiz, enjoy a notorious reputation and a great attendance success. The number of international students regularly increases, for summer lessons are lectured by renowned professionals and experts from various countries around the world.
Euskampus Foundation: our bet on Excellence
This private-public inter-institutional initiative was wet up with the legal standing of a foundation as it is the one that best adapts to achieving the goals of the Campus of International Excellence Euskampus project. Thus, Euskampus Fundazioa aspires to become a key element to drive Basque R&D&I and its internationalisation, with a clear vocation of social responsibility and integration with its territory.
The mission of Euskampus Fundazioa is therefore to design, coordinate and executive measures that, with the collaboration of all its partners, consolidate and accelerate this internationalisation and modernisation process of the University of the Basque Country - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea by means of the implementation of the Euskampus project.
Research as the bedrock of our activity

We seek to extend our international influence working on a 'brain-gain' basis and establishing cross-border campuses. With a view to reinforce our services and boost technological platforms, our General Research Services Unit (SGIker) commands the acquisition and handling of all research-structures. The University of the Basque Country equally manages several advanced-groundwork centres: The Lucio Lascaray CIEA (Centre for Research and Advanced Studies in Vitoria-Gasteiz) is an innovative, energy efficient building hosting experimental and health sciences research groups; our D+D+I Korta Centre in Donostia-San Sebastián is the seat of the European Theoretical Spectroscopy Facility and the POLYMAT University Institute for Polymeric Materials. This campus also hosts the Material Physics Joint Centre, belonging to the University of the Basque Country and the CSIC; finally, our Scientific Park in the Campus of Biscay (under construction) will soon become the head office of intensive R+D groups, an enterprise incubator and other R+D+I activities support services.
Extensive reference and literature options

Over 1,000,000 volumes, 17,800 journals, 6,400 electronic journals, 88 specialized databases and over 10,000 videos can be tracked down by our community members.
Toward a multicultural university

The University of the Basque Country wishes to host an unrestricted and multicultural community. Our International Relations Office manages over 900 exchange agreements with other Spanish, European and International universities. Every year, our three campuses turn into lively melting pots where over 900 foreign students blend in with our local trainees. We take part in SICUE, the Spanish universities students´ exchange programme; ERASMUS, the most extended European mobility programme; and we furthermore have created our own exchange programmes with Latin-America (UPV/EHU-AMÉRICA LATINA) and other destinations (the USA, Canada, The Philipine Islands, New Zealand, Russia).
A number of our teaching staff travels to Central and Southern American universities in the frame of our PhD Studies Latin American Network and we are currently the coordinating institution of the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Windows 20B project, which will enable 149 mobilities between Central America, Mexico and Europe in order to complete their Bachelor´s Degrees, Master Courses or PhD studies.