Juana Goizueta Vertiz
Curriculum Vitae
She has a Law degree from the University of Navarre (1992) and a PhD from the UPV/EHU (2006). Since 1994, she has been an Assistant Lecturer (accredited for Senior Lecturer) of Constitutional Law at the UPV/EHU.
She has held numerous academic positions at the UPV/EHU. Among other positions, she was Dean of the Faculty of Law of the UPV/EHU from 2013-2022, Director of the Latin American Postgraduate Network (2022-2024), Member of the Governing Council, the Economic Commission, the Postgraduate Commission, the Academic Senate and the Gipuzkoa Campus Board. She is currently co-director of the Legal Clinic for Social Justice at the Law Faculty of the UPV/EHU. She has also held numerous positions outside the UPV/EHU: she has been vice-president of the Conference of Law Faculty Deans of Spain and a member of the Standing Committee of the Court of Arbitration of the Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Gipuzkoa (2013-2022). She is the vice-president of the Spanish Association of Constitutional Law Professors, is a member of the Institutional Ethics Committee of the Chartered Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and has received the Domingo Arizmendi Prize for Legal Ethics awarded by the Gipuzkoa Bar Association.
She has been a member of the Academic Committee and director of the Master's Degree in Immigration and Development Cooperation in the European Union, a member of the Advisory Committee set up by the Basque Government to draw up the Social Pact for Immigration in the Basque Country, a member of the Institute of Public Law (Special Research Centre of the University of Barcelona) and is an external assessor for the University Quality Agency of the Balearic Islands.
She is the Principal Investigator of the Basque Government’s Consolidated Group (IT1699-22) on “The multidisciplinary and multilevel interpretation of fundamental rights based on an Anti-discrimination Law with an intersectional and systemic perspective”. Migration policy, human rights and the European Union feature among her main lines of research. Her entire research and teaching career has been in the field of Constitutional law and European Union law. She has been on several research stays abroad. She has participated in nearly twenty or so European and national research projects, such as the following: “The integration of immigration”; “The legal status and rights of immigrants”; and “The European Union and Fundamental Rights”. She is the author/co-author of over fifty or so publications and has participated in numerous congresses, presenting papers on both national and international forums. She has also taught on various master's degrees, including the online Master's degree in Immigration and Development Cooperation in the European Union, and has taught constitutional law at various Latin American universities: the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Chile, Brazil and Mexico.