Estitxu Garai Artetxe
Curriculum Vitae
Assistant lecturer in the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising (Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences).
Graduate in Advertising and Public Relations, Postgraduate in Management and Administration of Sports Organisations, holder of the Official Master's Degree in Social Communication and an International PhD in Audiovisual Communication and Advertising from the UPV/EHU.
Her areas of research focus on the confluence between marketing and minority languages, as well as branding and feminism. She is a researcher in the NOR consolidated research group (IT1438-22), and heads the NIK research group that promoted the project “Euskara eta Euskal Kulturaren marka azterketa” (CONV-19/07) in collaboration with the social actors of the Basque language. Right now, she is the Principal Investigator (PI) in the LBRAND Knowledge Generation Project (PID2022-139537OB-I00) funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. She has participated in over 20 international congresses, is the author of 18 papers in impact journals, books and book chapters and has one 6-year research period (2014-2020). She is currently the supervisor of 5 PhD theses. She has been on research stays at the University of Limerick (Ireland) and at the Baruch Business School of City University in New York (CUNY).
She also sits on the Academic Committee of the Official Master’s Subiranotasuna Europako Herrietan, on the Academic Senate and the Governing Council of the UPV/EHU. She is also a member of the Academic Committee and of the communications team of the journal Inpakta (Inpaktu Sozialerako Ikerlanen Akta - Journal of Research for Social Impact).
She received the second Txillardegi-Hausnartu Prize in Sociolinguistics (2021), the First Prize in the first edition of the Txiotesia prize for the dissemination of PhD theses through social networks (2013) and a mention with special distinction for the best dossier in the Master's Degree in Social Communication (2011).
In the field of knowledge transfer, she was a Member of the Board of Directors of the BERRIA Group (2016-2020) and has been a member of the committee to assess the stabilisation process of public bodies. She is also a regular contributor to various Basque media: Euskadi Irratia, ETB1, Radio Euskadi, ETB2, Berria, Argia; and is a communications consultant for various organisations.