Gotzone Barandika Argoitia
Curriculum Vitae
Gotzone Barandika-Argoitia graduated in Chemistry at the UPV/EHU (1989) and was awarded a PhD in Physics by the University of Navarre (1995). She is a lecturer, accredited as a professor, in the Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry at the Faculty of Science and Technology, and a research fellow at BCMaterials (network of Basque Excellence Research Centres). In 2024, she completed her fifth 6-year research period and her sixth 5-year teaching period. She has three positive assessments within the Docentiaz teaching staff evaluation programme.
She has taught on the Degree courses in Pharmacy and Environmental Sciences. She currently teaches on the Degree course in Chemistry and on the inter-university Master's degree in New Materials. She has formed part of the Materials Science and Technology PhD programme since its inception. Throughout, she has worked in Basque, Spanish and English.
She has participated in several educational innovation projects as a principal investigator and has over 25 publications in this field, mainly focusing on PhD studies.
Her research activity has centred on Materials Science, where she has worked in fields such as machine tools, magnetic materials, solid mass energy storage networks, and absorbents of toxins and bioinorganic materials. Gotzone Barandika's contribution has focussed throughout on structural characterisation (X-ray diffraction, DFT quantum mechanics calculations and electron microscopy, among other techniques).
She has participated in over 30 projects at a European, national and autonomous community level and her scientific output includes over 100 indexed publications, in addition to other works of a technical and informative nature. She has been involved in two patents (one of them international) and has contributed at more than 100 congresses.
She has done scientific consultancy work and collaborated with professionals from companies and other universities. She has supervised five PhD theses (two of which were industrial ones) and right now is supervising another two, (both geared towards industrial and international mentions). She is an assessor for the Spanish Research Agency.
What stands out from her management experience at the UPV/EHU is her time as vice dean of Academic Organisation at the Faculty of Pharmacy and as academic secretary of the Master's and Doctorate School. She was director of the in-house Orthopaedics degree. She is currently the head of the Doctoral School and president of the Conference of Directors of Doctoral Schools. She has participated as a plenary speaker at several meetings of the Council for Doctoral Education (European University Association).
She has carried out numerous scientific popularization activities in Basque through collaborations with the Chair of Scientific Culture of the UPV/EHU, Jakiunde and Elhuyar, among other organisations.