CV - Ainhoa Berasaluze Correa

Ainhoa Berasaluze Correa

Curriculum Vitae

Ainhoa Berasaluze-Correa holds a Diploma in Social Work (1995), a Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2003), a Master's Degree in Criminology (1999) and a PhD in Sociology from the UPV/EHU (2010).

Assistant lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Social Work. Since 2003, she has been a lecturer on the Undergraduate Degree Course in Social Work and on various postgraduate courses related to social policies.

She has been co-director and a member of the academic committee of the Postgraduate Course in Management and Innovation in Social Services. Since 2021, she has been directing the postgraduate course in Supervision in Social Action Contexts. She has also directed the Summer Courses at the UPV/EHU.

Deputy Director of Internships at the University School of Social Work (2007-2014) and Vice-Dean of Internships at the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work (2014-2017). She also participates in the University Centre Board and in various Academic Committees of the Faculty of Labour Relations and Social Work (Alava Campus).

She is a researcher in the consolidated Parte Hartuz research group. Her line of research falls within the area of knowledge of Social Work and Social Services, specifically in the discipline and profession of social work, in citizen and professional participation, in participatory action research and supervision methodology. She has coordinated several books and has published book chapters and papers in a number of high impact and informative journals. (ORCID 0000-0002-6592-535X). She supervises PhD theses and graduate and postgraduate dissertations. She contributes to several journals as an external reviewer and is a member of the editorial team of the journal Uztaro.

Before joining the UPV/EHU, she worked as a social worker for ten years in the framework of the Basque Social Services System, both in public administrations and in Third Social Sector organisations, attending to different sectors of the population in a situation of vulnerability.
Throughout her academic career, she has maintained close collaboration and links with the professional world. She was a member of the Board of Directors (2002-2006) and President (2007-2011) of the Official Association of Social Work in Alava. Through the Euskoiker Foundation, she participates in knowledge transfer tasks by giving seminars and various training courses for practising professionals, coordinating supervision processes in public administrations, and participating in selection boards and specialised consultancies in selection processes for public job offers.