CV - Aitziber Mendiguren Ordorika

Aitziber Mendiguren Ordorika

Curriculum Vitae

Assistant lecturer in the Department of Pharmacology at the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing (accredited for a senior lecturer). European PhD in pharmacology (2007) with PhD special distinction award (2009). She has been on research stays at the Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg (2004) and at University College London (2007). She has three recognised 6-year research periods. She has supervised 4 PhD theses, all with international mention and one of them with special distinction award. She is currently supervising a fifth PhD thesis, which is in its final stages. She has been the director of several master's and degree dissertations, one of which won an award in the 6th edition of the Francisca de Aculodi awards for the inclusion of the gender perspective in academic work.

She has participated as a researcher in 19 university research projects with autonomous community or state funding, and in a project with a pharmaceutical company. She has been the principal investigator on two research projects for the Basque Government and the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs. Her research activity mainly focusses on the study of the acute and chronic effects of opiates and cannabinoids. She has given 52 papers at national and international scientific congresses. She is the author of 12 popular science articles (Ekaia, Osagaiz, Elhuyar, The Conversation), two of which won awards in the CAF-Elhuyar competition for best informative science articles. She has been involved in several editions of Science Week (2021-2023) and scientific popularization events (Museo Eureka, European Researchers' Night, gatherings with secondary school, sixth form and vocational training students) as well as radio and newspaper interviews. She has been a member of the organising committee of two scientific congresses.

She obtained the grade of Excellent in two calls of the Docentiaz teaching staff evaluation programme (2015 and 2021). She has three 5-year teaching periods. She has taught 13 subjects on the degree courses in Medicine (2012-2024), Dentistry (2012-2013) and Pharmacy (2009-2012) as well as on the University Master’s degree in Pharmacology: Development, Evaluation and Rational Use of Medicines (2009-2024). She has participated as a teacher in 4 editions of the course to authorize the dispensing of medicines and healthcare products for nurses. She is the author of 11 papers for teaching purposes, 2 book chapters, 2 sets of digital teaching materials in Basque and the book “Principios farmacológicos y clínicos de la prescripción racional de medicamentos” aimed at undergraduate students of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry. She has participated in 5 educational innovation projects and 13 papers at teaching congresses. She has been a member of the scientific committee of the II International Congress of the Spanish Society of Medical Education (2024).

She is a member of the University Commission for Teacher Assessment (CUED) of the UPV/EHU (2016-2024) and of the Specific Technical Committee of the Docentiaz teaching staff evaluation programme (2021-2024). She is a member of the Committee for Equality of Women and Men of the Faculty of Medicine and Nursing (2017-2024). She has been course coordinator on the Dentistry Degree (2016-2022) and for various subjects on the Medicine and Pharmacy Degrees (2010-2024).