Igone Zabala Unzalu
Curriculum Vitae
She has a degree in Biology (1984) and a PhD in Basque Philology (1993). Lecturer attached to the Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU) since 1986, and a tenured university lecturer since 1997. Ever since her first contract, she has lectured at the Faculty of Science and Technology on the subjects relating to the development and consolidation of the academic registers of the Basque language, the designations of which have changed over the course of the different syllabuses: Euskara Zientifikoa, Euskara Teknikoa, Euskararen Arauak eta Erabilerak, Komunikazioa Euskaraz: Zientzia eta Teknologia and, right now, Idatzizko eta Ahozko Komunikazio Zientifiko-Teknikoa Euskaraz.
She has also taught several subjects in Masters and PhD programmes, including the subjects Terminologia eta Testu Espezializatuak and Hizkuntza Produktuak Diseinatzeko Irizpide Soziolinguistikoak in the Master's degree in Language Analysis and Processing (HAP/LAP) at the Faculty of Informatics.
After completing her PhD thesis, she worked mainly on syntax and morphology but has subsequently geared her research towards the field of terminology and the lexical-discursive development of Basque. She has five 6-year research periods recognised by the CNEAI National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity, and level A1 of Unibasque. She has also been a member of the Ixa research group specialising in natural language processing (NLP) since 2013 and also of the HiTZ Basque Language Technology Centre since its creation. She has supervised two PhD theses, and has been the principal investigator in several research projects.
Since 2008, she has been the principal investigator in the Garaterm project, which aims to create and enrich tools and resources to integrate the development, research and teaching of the academic registers of the Basque language. She has also been the promoter and coordinator of the Terminologia Sareak Ehunduz (TSE) programme, which aims to involve the PDI (Teaching and Research Staff) of the UPV/EHU in this work of integration and enrichment.
In terms of management responsibilities, the following are worthy of mention:
- Director of the Department of Basque Language and Communication (2006-2009 / 2017-2024).
- Basque Language Commission of the UPV/EHU (2006-2009).
- University Commission for Teaching Assessment (2010-2013)
- Governing Council of the UPV/EHU (2008-2009)
- Member of the Academic Committee of the HAP/LAP Master's degree (2008-2018) and PhD programme (2009-2020).