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Architecture students participate to Concéntrico: Logroño’s International Architecture and Design Festival

The installation, named ‘Vacío encerrado’, will be completed in Farías House, located in the medieval part of La Rioja’s capital.

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First publication date: 26/04/2018

Architecture students and teachers participate to Concéntrico. Photo: Nagore Iraola. UPV/EHU

An approximate of 44 fifth course students, from the School of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country, are going to participate to the fourth edition of Concéntrico, Logroño’s International Architecture and Design Festival, taking place from April 27th to May 1st 2018. The purpose of this cultural event is to consider and analyze the urban sphere and the city.

The architecture students, from Landscape Architecture and Experimental Lab Workshop classes, are going to intervene at Farías House, property of Cáritas located in the medieval part of La Rioja’s capital, under the direction of professors Mario Sangalli and Iñigo de Viar. After a process of selection, where the architect Javier Bueno, president of “la Asociación Atari Cultura Arquitectónica” took part to, the winning idea was ‘Vacío encerrado’, created by the team of Haizea Latxaga, Izaskun Soto, Ane Santamaría, Henar Merino and Erminia Barone, exchange student from “Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.”

However, the students from the two subjects, will be in charge of the development of the final solution and the construction of the installation in Logroño. Organized in four groups (design/ construction/ communication/ trip), 44 students have undertaken different tasks associated to the project with characteristics such as: taking decisions in order to transform the idea into an object and organizing the transportation and their next visit to the place, always documenting and communicating the process.

They also have participated in the elaboration of the pieces that compound the project, with the help of the FAB LAB facility (digital manufacture workshop) from the School of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country.

“The proposal called ‘Vacío encerrado’ is “a structure made of identical wooden pieces (58,6x58,6cm) with the objective of creating a self-supporting body. These pieces geometrically fit together via grooves, without any other type of external union. Moreover, the union of the four rows of pieces, growing up to    2,44 m in height, give the idea of a basketwork. This construction method that prevents the direct vision from the inside creates a sense of frustration in the viewers because the openings between the unions only allow to see the ground, inviting to approach the work, to interact with it and to discover it”, explains the student Izaskun Soto.

Vacio Encerrado

"To formalize the idea," adds her classmate Haizea Latxaga, "the circle was thought as pure and clear geometry and as symbol of union. The circle is also a symbol of protection and means eternity, since there are no interruptions in its shape. A circle closes on itself and therefore represents unity, the absolute and the perfection. At the same time, the circle reminds the shape of the footprint left by a glass of wine on the table or a barrel. The circle is a geometric shape that contrasts with the ones we can find in the medieval part of Logroño, facing the curvature of the installation with the straight lines all around ". For Ane Santamaría this contrast makes it "an intriguing way for the viewer, arousing the curiosity who attracts to the installation. As well as the intersection between the private patio and the public street which through the circle captures a new space. Crossing the existing wall, this shape is able to colonize both the courtyard and the street. "


Being Logroño capital of La Rioja and, therefore, of the wine, the students of Architecture of the UPV/EHU intends to represent that wine culture through the given material, the pavement, the color ... "always leaving a freedom to the spectator own interpretation "- says Henar Merino. "Thing are made to let us remind somehow the interior of a barrel, with the wooden planks impregnated in wine, or even the land of the vineyards." "But, even if the object seems to be closed," Erminia Barone continues, "it includes certain openings that offer interaction to the viewer, creating visuals that cross the object. In addition to the narrow openings, the change of pavement creates some uncertainty into the viewer who doubts whether can enter or not, wondering if the interior space of the installation is restricted or not. The pavement is made up of land from the vineyards of La Rioja, thus bringing the fields surrounding Logroño to the historic center of the city."

Concéntrico Festival:

Vacío encerrado:


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