Signal Processing and Biomedical Applications
Contents of the session
Few years ago, processing of biomedical signals was mainly concentrating on filtering of signals for removing noise and power lines interference; spectral analysis to understand the frequency characteristics of signals; and modeling for feature representation and parameterization. Biomedical signal processing is a rapidly expanding field with a wide range of applications, from the construction of artificial limbs and aids for disabilities to the development of sophisticated medical imaging systems. These include ultrasound scanners, magnetic resonance imaging scanners and positron emission tomography (PET and SPECT). X-ray systems have also improved and are widely used for many purposes such as mammograms. The session "Signal Processing and Biomedical Applications" will be oriented to a wide audience including the following topics:
- Biomedical Signal processing (BSP)
- Filtering and Registration techniques
- Reconstruction and Normalization algorithms
- Applications to BSP: Classification, Analysis, etc.
- Prof. Dr.Dr. Juan Manuel Górriz, University of Granada, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Javier Ramírez Pérez de Inestrosa, University of Granada, Spain
Contact information
- E-mail:

- Postal Address: Dpto. Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones, Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Granada, Fuentenueva S/N, CP 18071, Granada España
- Phone/FAX: +34 958243271
- URL:
Program Committee
- Mr. Ignacio Alvarez Illan, University of Granada, Spain
- Dr. Elsa Fernández, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Carlos G. Puntonet, University of Granada, Spain
- Ms. Rosa Chaves Gonzalez, University of Granada, Spain
- Dr. Maite García-Sebastián, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Ms. Miriam Lopez Perez, University of Granada, Spain
- Prof. Dr.Dr. Juan Manuel Górriz, University of Granada, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Manuel Graña, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Perfeito Tome, University of Aveiro, Portugal
- Prof. Dr. Javier Ramírez Pérez de Inestrosa, University of Granada, Spain
- Mr. Diego Salas Gonzalez, University of Granada, Spain
- Mr. Alexandre Savio, University of the Basque Country, Spain
- Mr. Fermin Segovia Roman, University of Granada, Spain
- Prof. Dr. Elmar W. Lang, University of Regensburg, Germany
HAIS'10 proceedings will be published by Springer in its series of Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (Tentative)
All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register for the conference and pay the fee.
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