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The next edition, HAIS 2011, will be held in Wroclaw, Poland, in May 23-25th, 2011


The conference proceedings online version is available on SpringerLink on:

HAIS10 Conference Proceedings Part I

HAIS10 Conference Proceedings Part II

Volume I

Volume II

Conference presentation slides.

Extended and improved versions of selected papers will be included in a special issue of:

1. Neurocomputing
2. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
3. Information Fusion (CFP)
4. Information Sciences
5. Logic Journal Of the IGPL
6. Neural Networks World

Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer

The 5th International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems will be held in San Sebastián, Spain, in June of 2010. It is organized by the Computational Intelligence Group (GIC) of the University of the Basque Country.

Hybrid intelligent systems are becoming popular due to their capabilities in handling many real world complex problems, involving imprecision, uncertainty, vagueness and high-dimensionality. They provide us with the opportunity to use both, our knowledge and raw data to solve problems in a more interesting and promising way. This multidisciplinary research field is in continuous expansion in the artificial intelligence research community. HAIS'10 provides an interesting opportunity to present and discuss the latest theoretical advances and real-world applications in this multidisciplinary research field.

Places of interest in San Sebastián

San Sebastian landscape

San Sebastian Zurriola beach

San Sebastian La Concha beach



VicomTech Cursos de Verano UPV/EHU
GIAA Nesplora

Technical Co-Sponsors

IEEE Spain
IEEE Spain
MIR Labs



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