Leire Murua Arraiza

Leire Murua Arraiza


Leire Murua Arraiza is a predoctoral researcher at the UPV/EHU hired within the framework of the call "Programa Predoctoral de Formación de Personal Investigador 2023-2024". She began her university training itinerary in 2016 doing the Degree in Primary Education with the mention of Special Education (UPV/EHU). In 2020 she completed the "Master's Degree in Research in Socio-educational Environments (UPV/EHU)". Following this same line, she is currently a student of the "Doctorate in Psychodidactics: Educational Psychology and Specific Didactics (UPV/EHU)" program. Her doctoral thesis is focused on the Amara Berri System. Among other things, she investigates the pedagogical keys that facilitate the empowerment of students in the centers of the network that are part of this system. She has been a researcher hired by the group and nowadays she actively participates in the ongoing research projects of the research group. Her main interests are Educational Innovation, Inclusive School and Public Education/School Segregation.


ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-0847-721X

Contact: leire.murua@ehu.eus