Oihana Otazu Gonzalez


Oihana Otazu has a degree in Pedagogy, teaches at the Faculty of Philosophy, Anthropology and Education of the UPV/EHU in Donostia and is a social educator for the AGIPAD association. She teaches mainly in the degrees of Early Childhood Education, Primary Education and Pedagogy. In AGIPAD she has been working for 18 years as a social educator in the "Haurtxoak" center. In the same entity, she has been in charge of the research department for the last three years as well as coordinator and instructor of the Social Education interns of the UPV/EHU.
In terms of research, she is currently doing her doctorate in the Psychodidactics program. The main axis of this research is focused on the analysis of the situations of social exclusion of women with dependent children in the Basque Autonomous Community. She has been in different scientific congresses and presented different communications.
Since 2022 she is a member of Auzo Lana Hezkuntzan (ALHE). 

Contact: oihana.otazu@ehu.eus