María Ganzabal Learreta: Presentación

María Ganzabal Learreta


María Ganzabal Learreta is an associate professor in the Department of Journalism at the University of the Basque Country. She holds a PhD in Journalism and a Master's degree in Digital Documentation from Pompeu Fabra University. She has worked in several communication agencies and in the Art Department of the American magazine New Woman.

Her undergraduate teaching is related to subjects such as Social and Participatory Journalism and Transmedia Narratives. She also teaches at postgraduate level, in the Master of Feminist and Gender Studies and in the Master of Social Communication where she teaches subjects related to gender and journalism.

She has published multiple works in the form of chapters, books and articles in quality academic journals. She has also presented papers and communications at national and international conferences.

These publications have been developed within the research framework of which she is part in more than a dozen research projects funded in competitive public calls, both at the university level, regional and National Plan R + D + I.

Lines of research

  • Digital journalism, journalism and gender, social media

Most relevant publications (last five years)

Most relevant research projects (last 5 years)

  • Noticias, redes y usuarios en el sistema híbrido de medios, 2019-2021, Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
  • Hacia un periodismo inclusivo: convergencia y rol del periodismo español en el escenario de la comunicación global de excelencia (ref.: CSO2016-81882-REDT), 2017-2019, Programa estatal de fomento de la excelencia en la investigación científica y técnica (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad).
  • Audiencias activas y viralización y transformación de los mensajes periodísticos, 2016-2018, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
  • Audiencia activas y periodismo. Análisis de la calidad y regulación de los contenidos elaborados por los usuarios, 2013-2015, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
  • Gureiker (ref.: IT-1112), 2016-2021, Grupo de Investigación Consolidado de tipo A del Gobierno Vasco.
  • Perfiles digitales de los periodistas vascos y diálogo con las audiencias, 2018-2020, UPV/EHU & Colegio de Periodistas Vascos / Euskadiko Kazetarien Elkargoa (Proyectos Universidad-Sociedad).
  • Metodología participativa audiovisual en educación secundaria para revertir las desigualdades de género (Colaboración con Universitat Pompeu Fabra) (ref.: EDUCOGEN PID2021-123583OB-I00), 2022-2025, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
  • Gureiker (ref.: IT-1496-22), 2022-2025, Grupo de Investigación Consolidado del Gobierno Vasco.
  • Universidad, discapacidad e inclusión. Retos de la formación en el ámbito de la comunicación digital, 2021-2023, Proyecto Universidad-Empresa US21/23.
  • Communication, emotions and political action. Strategies to combat disinformation and polarization in the digital public sphere, 2023-2024, Collaborative projects UPV/EHU COLAB22/11.

Other activities and awards

Academic Secretary of the Department of Journalism from 2021 to the present

Research group

  • Gureiker (IT-1112). Consolidated research group (type A) of the Basque university system.
    Research lines:
    • Analysis of cybermedia
    • Impact of the Internet on the media
    • Participation of audiences in media contents.
    • New journalistic and informative narratives on the Internet.
    • One of the social networks in journalism and corporate communication.