

Dr César San Juan Guillén is the Director of the DMS International Research Center as well as the Principal Investigator of the Basque University System Group CRIM-AP: "Applied Criminology and Environmental Psychology: Sustainable Cities and Evaluative Research".


Bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country. Erasmus scholarship in 1989 obtaining the speciality in Social Psychology by the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium).

PhD in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country in 1991 with the thesis "Social representations of AIDS: Discourses and cognitive biases". 

He is currently a lecturer in the Department of Social Psychology at the University of the Basque Country, teaching the subjects "Environmental Psychology" and "Criminal Psychology". Since 2002, deputy director of the Basque Institute of Criminology; and since 2006, director of the International Research Centre on Delinquency, Marginality and Social Relationships.

Guest lecturer at some Spanish and international universities, such as the Diego Portales (Santiago de Chile), the Universidad Centroamericana (Managua, Nicaragua), the Universidad Mayor de San Simón (Bolivia), the London School of Economics (London, United Kingdom), the Universidad José Simón Cañas (San Salvador, El Salvador) or the Universidad de Palermo (Buenos Aires, Argentina).

He has directed numerous development cooperation projects in the field of conflict resolution, psychosocial intervention, health education, etc. in various countries in Latin America and Africa. He is the author of various articles on psychosocial intervention in disasters and emergencies, and is also the editor in this field of the volume "Catastrofes y ayuda de emergencia".

He is currently developing various studies on the social problems related to urban security, and is co-author of the manual "Environmental Criminology: Ecology of Crime and Security". A large part of this work is the result of research projects financed by public bodies in the Basque Autonomous Community. Within the framework of the so-called AGIS programme, financed by the European Commission, he has led a project on the reality of foreign minor offenders. Also financed by the European Commission, within the framework of the DAPHNE programme, he has directed the project "Qualitative and meta-analytic study of specific and primary prevention programs of violence against women: developing indicators on violence and related data collection". Since 2003, by means of a collaboration agreement with the Basque Government's Department of Penal Enforcement, he has directed the evaluation of the Juvenile Justice Plan, resulting in, among other publications, the volume "Evaluation of educational intervention and analysis of recidivism in juvenile justice in the Basque Autonomous Community".

He is currently the main researcher of the consolidated research group CRIM-AP: "Applied Criminology and Environmental Psychology: Sustainable Cities and Evaluative Research".