
"Lactiker" is a multidisciplinary research group integrated by investigators in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Food Technology, and Nutrition and Bromatology. The facilities of the Biochemistry laboratory include most molecular biology and biochemistry techniques, instrumental analysis and sample preparation instrumentation. Those of the Food Technology laboratory comprise a pilot plant for food preparation, instrumental analysis and sample preparation instrumentation. The Nutrition and Bromatology laboratory houses a food microbiology facility, sample preparation instrumentation and a sensory analysis laboratory (LASEHU). The Principal Investigator coordinates the work of the three main laboratories, as well as collaborations with external researchers from other national or international research groups (universities, research centers such as CSIC, technological centers, and/or industrial R+D departments). Likewise, the PI coordinates contacts and technology transfer activities to agents involved in the production, control and promotion of foods from animal origin, such as private enterprises, professional associations, denominations of origin, administration control agencies, and other quality control agencies.