International Contacts

These contacts vary through the years depending on current research interests. Presently, Lactiker collaborates closely with the following institutions: The University of Lisbon (Portugal), the University of Ghent (Belgium), the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Institute, the Food and Drug Administration (USA), the University College of Dublin and Teagasc (Ireland), the University of Reading (UK), the University of Teikyo (Japan), the University of Melbourne (Australia), the Agro-Bordeaux Institute and INRA (France), the University of Florence and Padova (Italy), the National University of Córdoba (Argentina), the University of Cyprus, Pontifical Catholic University of Santiago and University of Temuco (Chile). The range of these collaborations includes research, European research exchange programs for graduate students and junior researchers, and participation in specialized Master's and Doctorate courses.

Likewise, Lactiker researchers participate in international associations and networks such as the European Sensory Science Society, European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids, Farmhouse and Artisan Cheese & Dairy Producers European Network (FACE-network), and Dairy Sustainability Framework (DSF).