Olivia Gómez Laserna

Olivia Gómez Laserna

PhD Researcher

PhD in Chemical Sciences
Faculty of Science and Technology

Olivia Gómez obtained the International PhD in Chemical Sciences from the UPV/EHU on the development of analytical methodologies for built heritage diagnosis (Extraordinary Award, 2015). She explored the efficacy of green conservation methods (Oxford University) and of novel bio-based materials (Messina University) to retard stone deterioration. She collaborated in 14 research projects on the field and her work is supported by 29 ISI articles, being currently focused on the design of ecofriendly organic-inorganic hybrids and nano- and ILs-based cleaning and biocidal technologies as new strategies for long-term conservation in the field of diagnostic, maintenance and rehabilitation of cultural heritage. Moreover, her research also covers other topics, among them, the microplastics study for understanding their transport, distribution, impact and interaction with trace elements in real environmental compartments is highlighted. Nowadays, she is postdoctoral researcher at Chemistry Department at UPV/EHU.