Publication list
- "Selecting optimal R6TX2 intermetallics (R= Gd, Tb, Dy; T= Mn, Fe, Co, Ni; X=Sb, Te) for magnetic refrigeration"
A. Herrero, I.R. Aseguinolaza, A. Oleaga, A.J. Garcia-Adeva, E. Apiñaniz, A.V. Garshev, V.O. Yapaskurt, A.V. Morozkin
Dalton Transactions 52, 5780 (2023).
- "Tailoring the magnetocaloric, magnetic and thermal properties of Dy6(Fe,Mn)X2 intermetallics (Xdouble bondSb, Te, Bi)"
A. Herrero, A. Oleaga, I.R. Aseguinolaza, A.J. Garcia-Adeva, E. Apiñaniz, A.V. Garshev, V.O. Yapaskurt, A.V. Morozkin
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 890, 161849 (2022).
- "
Composition-tunable magnetic properties of {Gd, Dy, Ho}6FeTe2,
Ho6RuSb2 ternary compounds and Dy6FeSbBi, Dy6FeSbTe and Dy6FeBiTe
quasiternary solid solutions"
Tianyu Chen,
Jinlei Yao,
A. Oleaga,
A. Herrero,
S. Quezado,
S.K. Malik,
A.V. Knotko,
V.O. Yapaskurt,
A.V. Morozkin
Physica B 643 (2022) 414187 (13 páginas) (2022).
- "Crystallographic, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in novel intermetallic materials R3CoNi (R = Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm)"
A. Herrero, A. Oleaga, I. R. Aseguinolaza, P. Manfrinetti, A. Provino, A. Salazar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 865, 158948 (12 páginas) (2021).
- "Coupling Pulsed Flying Spot technique with robot automation for industrial thermal characterization of complex shape composite materials"
A.Sommier, J.Malvaut, V.Delos, M.RomanocT.Bazire, J.C.Batsale, A.Salazar, A.Mendioroz, A.Oleaga, C.Pradere
NDT & E International
Volume 102, March 2019, Pages 175-179
- "Constant Velocity Flying Spot for the estimation of in-plane thermal diffusivity on anisotropic materials"
L. Gaverina, M. Bensalem, A. Bedoya, J. González, A. Sommier, J.L. Battaglia, A. Salazar, A. Mendioroz, A. Oleaga, J.C. Batsale and C. Pradere
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 145, 106000 (12 páginas) (2019).
- "Critical behavior study of the spin ordering transition in RVO3 (R ¼ Ce,
Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Er) by means of ac photopyroelectric calorimetry"
A. Oleaga, V. Shvalya, V. Liubachko, G. Balakrishnan, L.D. Tung, A. Salazar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 703, 210-215 (2017).
- "Thermal and Optical Characterization of Undoped and Neodymium-
Doped Y3ScAl4O12 Ceramics"
M.C.Pujol, A. Maitre, J. Carreaud, R. Boulesteix, A. Brenier, G. Alombert-Goget, Y. Guyot, J. J. Carvajal, R. M. Sole?, J. Massons,
A. Oleaga, A. Salazar, I. Gallardo, P. Moreno, J. Rodríguez Va?zquez de Aldana,
M. Aguilo?, F. Diaz†
J. Phys. Chem. C 2014, 118, 13781?13789
- "Critical behavior of the paramagnetic to antiferromagnetic transition in orthorhombic and hexagonal phases RMnO3 (R=Sm, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, Y)"
A. Oleaga, A. Salazar, D. Prabhakaran, JG Cheng, JS Zhou
Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012) 184425
- "Thermal properties of monoclinic KLu(WO4)2 as
a promising solid state laser host" Òscar Silvestre, Joan Grau, Maria Cinta Pujol,Jaume Massons, Magdalena Aguiló,
Francesc Díaz, Mieczyslaw Tadeusz Borowiec, Andrzej Szewczyk, Maria Urszula
Gutowska, Marta Massot, Agustín Salazar and Valentin Petrov
OPTICS EXPRESS Vol. 16, No. 7,5022-5034 (2008)
- "Application of the flash method to rods and tubes"
A. Salazar, E. Apiñaniz, M. Massot, and A. Oleaga
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 153, 83–86 (2008).
- "Thermal wave scattering by two overlapping and parallel
R. Celorrio, M. Costa, A. Mendioroz, E. Apiñaniz, S.M. Shibli, A. Salazar
Appl. Phys A. 93:429–437(2008).
- "Thermal Diffusivity and Critical Behaviour
of Uniaxial Ferroelectric Pb5Ge3O11"
A. Oleaga,A. Salazar, M. Massot, A. Molak, M. Koralewski
Ferroelectrics, 369:76–84 (2008).
- “Some issues on the photopyroelectric characterization of solids” A. Salazar and A. Oleaga. Journal de Physique IV 125, 289 (2005).
- “Effective thermal diffusivity of composites by the flash method” F. Garrido, A. Salazar and R. Celorrio. Journal de Physique IV 125, 515 (2005).
- "Critical behavior of La1-xSrxMnO3 (0<x<0.35) by thermal diffusivity measurements" A. Oleaga, A. Salazar, D. Prabhakaran and A.T. Boothroyd. Physical Review B 70, 184402 (2004).
- “Critical behavior dependence on Sr concentration in La1-xSrxMnO3” A. Oleaga, A. Salazar, D. Prabhakaran and A.T. Boothroyd Journal of Applied Physics 95 (11), 7366 (2004).
- “Thermal diffusivity of Fe3-xZnxO4 at the Verwey transition” A. Salazar, A. Oleaga, A. Wiechec, Z. Tarnawski and A. Kozlowski IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 40 (4), 2820 (2004).
- “Thermal wave scattering by spheres“ F. Garrido and A. Salazar Journal of Applied Physics 95, 140-149 (2004).
- “Thermal diffusivity of La1-xSrxMnO3 (x < 0.3)” A. Salazar, A. Oleaga and D. Prabhakaran International Journal of Thermophysics 25 (4), 1269-1279, 2004.
- “On thermal diffusivity” A. Salazar European Journal of Physics 24, 351-358 (2003).
- “On the influence of the coupling fluid in photopyroelectric measurements” A. Salazar Review of Scientific Instruments 74, 825-827 (2003).
- “Scattering of cylindrical thermal waves in fiber composites: In-plane thermal diffusivity” A. Salazar, A. Sánchez-Lavega and R. Celorrio Journal of Applied Physics 93, 4536-4542 (2003).
- “On the effective thermal diffusivity of fiber-reinforced composites” A. Salazar, J.M. Terrón, A. Sánchez-Lavega and R. Celorrio Applied Physics Letters 80, 1903-1905 (2002).
- “General solution for the thermal wave scattering in fiber composites” J.M. Terrón, A. Salazar and A. Sánchez-Lavega Journal of Applied Physics 91, 1087-1098 (2002).
- “Photoelastic effect and mirage deflection in anisotropic materials” A. Salazar, W.T. Ang, M. Gateshki, G. Gutiérrez and A. Sánchez-Lavega Applied Physics A 74, 47-57 (2002).
- “Multiple scattering of thermal waves by a coated subsurface cylindrical inclusion” J.M. Terrón, A. Sánchez-Lavega and A. Salazar Journal of Applied Physics 89, 5696-5702 (2001).
- “Termal diffusivity measurements using photothermal techniques”. A. Salazar and A. Sánchez-Lavega. in “Research Advaces in Applied Physics” Vol. 2, 57-68 (2001). Edited by: Global Research Network, Trivandrum (INDIA).
- “Novel results on collinear mirage deflection” A. Salazar, M. Gateshki, G. Gutiérrez, A. Sánchez-Lavega and W.T. Ang Analytical Sciences 17, 95-98 (2001).
- “Aplicación de las técnicas fototérmicas al estudio de materiales” A. Salazar, A. Sánchez-Lavega, J.M. Terrón and M. Gateshki Boletín de la sociedad española de cerámica y vidrio 39, 584-588 (2000).
- “On the strong influence of the photoelastic effect in the collinear mirage deflection” A. Salazar, M. Gateshki and A. Sánchez-Lavega Applied Physics Letters 76, 2665-2667 (2000).
- “Application of Photothermal wave techniques to termal diffusivity measurements and inspection of materials”. A. Sánchez-Lavega and A. Salazar. in “Recent Research Developments in Applied Physics” Vol. 3, 25-45 (2000). Edited by: Transworld Research Network, Trivandrum (INDIA).
- “Multiple scattering effects of thermal waves by two subsurface cylinders” J.M. Terrón, A. Sánchez-Lavega and A. Salazar Journal of Applied Physics 87, 2600-2607 (2000).
- “Low temperature thermal diffusivity measurements of gases by the mirage technique” A. Salazar and A. Sánchez-Lavega Review of Scientific Instruments 70, 98-103 (1999).
- “Low temperature thermal diffusivity measurements of transparent solids and gases by the mirage technique” A. Salazar and A. Sánchez-Lavega AIP Conference Proceedings 463, 324-326 (1999).
- “Técnicas fototérmicas: Aplicación de las ondas térmicas al estudio de la materia” A. Salazar y A. Sánchez-Lavega Revista española de Física 13, 18-22 (1999).
- “Measurements of the thermal diffusivity tensor of polymer-carbon fiber composites by photothermal methods” A. Salazar and A. Sánchez-Lavega International Journal of Thermophysics 19 625-636 (1998).
- “Effective thermal diffusivity of layered materials measured by modulated photothermal techniques” A. Salazar, A. Sánchez-Lavega and J.M. Terrón Journal of Applied Physics 84, 3031-3041 (1998).
- “A study of the photothermal signal produced by a series of subsurface cylinders in opaque materials” A. Sánchez-Lavega, A. Salazar, J.M. Terrón and A. Ocáriz Journal of Applied Physics 84, 5229-5237 (1998).