J. Gutiérrez García, S. Romaguera and M. Sanchis
An identification theorem for the completion of the Hausdorff fuzzy metric,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 227 (2013), 96-106.
A. Estevan, J. Gutiérrez García and E. Induráin
Further results on the continuous representability of semiorders,
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 21 (2013), no. 5, 675-694.
- E. Barrenechea, H. Bustince, M.J. Campión, E. Induráin and V. Knoblauch
Topological interpretations of fuzzy subsets. A unified approach for fuzzy thresholding algorithms,
Knowledge-Based Systems Knowledge-Based Systems 54 (2013), 163-171.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
Insertion and extension theorems for completely distributive lattice valued functions,
Commentationes Mathematicae 53 (2013), 315-321.
- J. Gutiérrez García and J. Picado
On the parallel between normality and extremal disconnectedness,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 218 (2014), no. 5, 784-803.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
A preservation result for completely regular locales,
Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 40-45.
- J. Gutiérrez García, J. Picado and M.A. de Prada Vicente
Monotone normality and stratifiability from a pointfree point of view,
Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 46-65.
- J. Picado and A. Pultr
(Sub)Fit biframes and non-symmetric nearness,
Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 66-81.
- C. López-Molina, B. De Baets, H. Bustince, E. Induráin, A. Stupnanová and R. Mesiar
Bimigrativity of binary aggregation functions,
Information Sciences 274 (2014), 225-235.
- M.J. Campión, R.G. Catalán, E. Induráin and G. Ochoa
Reinterpreting a fuzzy subset by means of a Sincov's functional equation,
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 27 (2014), no. 1, 367-375.
R.N. Ball, J. Picado and A. Pultr,
Notes on exact meets and joins,
Applied Categorical Structures 22 (2014), no. 5, 699-714.
- H. Bustince, M.J. Campión, F.J. Fernández, E. Induráin and M.D. Ugarte
New trends on the permutability equation,
Aequationes Mathematicae 88 (2014), no. 3, 211-232.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
Inserting measurable functions precisely,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 64 (2014), no. 3, 743-749.
J. Gutiérrez García, J. Picado and A. Pultr
Notes on point-free real functions and sublocales,
Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology, Textos de Matemática, DMUC, Vol. 46 (2014), 167-200.
I. Mardones-Pérez and M.A. de Prada Vicente,
Fuzzy pseudometric spaces vs fuzzifying structures
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 267 (2015), 117-132.
- S. Díaz, E. Induráin, V. Janis and S. Montes
Aggregation of convex intuitionistic fuzzy sets,
Information Sciences 308 (2015), 61-71.
G. Bosi, A. Estevan, J. Gutiérrez García and E. Induráin
Continuous representability of interval orders: The topological compatibility setting,
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (2015), no. 3, 345-365.
- I. Mozo Carollo, J. Gutiérrez García and J. Picado
On the Dedekind completion of function rings,
Forum Mathematicum 27 (2015), no. 5, 2551-2585.
- J.C. Candeal and E. Induráin
Comparison meaningful operators and ordinal invariant preferences,
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 432 (2015), no. 2, 806-819.
- M.J. Campión, E. Induráin G. Ochoa and O. Valero
Functional equations related to weightable quasi-metrics,
Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 44 (2015), no. 4, 775-787.
- M.J. Campión, R.G. Catalán, J. Garay and E. Induráin
Functional equations related to fuzzy sets and representable orderings,
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 29 (2015), no. 3, 1065-1077.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
Forty years of Hutton fuzzy unit interval,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 281 (2015), 128-133.
- L. De Miguel, H. Bustince, J. Fernández, E. Induráin, A. Kolesárová and R. Mesiar
Construction of admissible linear orders for interval-valued Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy sets with an application to decision making,
Information Fusion 27 (2016), 189-197.
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and J. Picado
Presenting the frame of the unit circle,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2016), no. 3, 976-1001.
- M.J. Campión, G. Arzamendi, L.M. Gandía and E. Induráin
Entropy of chemical processes versus numerical representability of orderings,
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 54 (2016), no. 2, 503-526.
- M.J. Campión, E. Induráin and V. Knoblauch
Topologies generated by nested collections,
Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society 39 (2016), no. 2, 545-561.
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and J. Picado
Normal semicontinuity and the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings,
Algebra Universalis 75 (2016), no. 3, 301-330.
- A. Estevan
Generalized Debreu's open gap lemma and continuous representability of biorders,
Order 33 (2016), no. 2, 213-229.
- J. Gutiérrez García Jesús Rodríguez-López, Salvador Romaguera and Manuel Sanchis
The Wijsman topology of a fuzzy metric space,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 300 (2016), 57-71.
I. Mardones-Pérez and M.A. de Prada Vicente,
An application of a representation theorem for fuzzy metrics to domain theory
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 300 (2016), 72-83.
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and J. Picado
A unified view of the Dedekind completion of point-free function rings
Quaestiones Mathematicae 39 (2016), no. 7, 991-1003.
J. Gutiérrez García, U. Höhle and T. Kubiak,
Tensor products of complete lattices and their application in constructing quantales
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 313 (2017), 43-60.
- A. Estevan
Some results on biordered structures, in particular distributed systems
Journal of Mathematical Psychology 77 (2017), 70-81.
- A. Estevan, O. Valero and M. Schellekens
Approximating SP-orders through total preorders: incomparability and transitivity through permutations
Quaestiones Mathematicae 40 (2017), 413-433.
J. Gutiérrez García, T. Kubiak and J. Picado
Perfectness in locales
Quaestiones Mathematicae 40 (2017), 507-518.
- L. De Miguel, M.J. Campión, J.C. Candeal, E. Induráin and D. Paternain
Pointwise aggregation of maps: its structural functional equation and some uses in social choice theory
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 325 (2017), 137-151.
Other publications
T. Kubiak,
A few results on not necessarily commutative many-valued topological spaces: a survey,
Recent Progress for Topology, Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'13, Bilbao, 2013),
University of the Basque Country, ISBN 978-84-9860-834-2, 2013, pgs. 23-29.
E. Barrenechea, H. Bustince, M.J. Campión, E. Induráin and V. Knoblauch,
Topological (re-)interpretations of fuzzy subsets,
Recent Progress for Topology, Computer Science, Fuzzy Mathematics and Economics (Proceedings of WiAT'13, Bilbao, 2013),
University of the Basque Country, ISBN 978-84-9860-834-2, 2013, pgs. 67-68.
J.C. Candeal, E. Induráin and J.A. Molina,
The consensus functional equation in agreement theory,
Aggregation Functions in Theory and in Practise (Proceedings of the 7th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators (AGOP 2013), Pamplona, 2013),
Public University of Navarre, ISBN 978-3-642-39164-4, 2013, pgs. 219-235.
F.J. Abrisqueta, H. Bustince, M.J. Campión, A. Estevan and E. Induráin
Ekuazio funtzionalak gure inguruan daude,
Elhuyar 14/2 (2014).
E. Barrenechea, H. Bustince, M.J. Campión, E. Induráin and V. Knoblauch,
Conjuntos fuzzy desde familias anidadas,
ESTYLF 2014. XVII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (Libro de Actas, Zaragoza, 2014),
ISBN 978-84-15688-76-1, 2014, pgs. 479-483.
F.J. Abrísqueta, M.J. Campión, A. Estevan and E. Induráin,
Subconjuntos fuzzy a través del espectro de Urysohn,
ESTYLF 2014. XVII Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy (Libro de Actas, Zaragoza, 2014),
ISBN 978-84-15688-76-1, 2014, pgs. 489-492.
- J. Picado and J. Gutiérrez García
Variants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions,
TACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic.
ISSN 2040-557X, 2014, pgs. 171-175.
M.J. Campión, J.C. Candeal, L. de Miguel, E. Induráin and D. Paternain,
First Approach of Type-2 Fuzzy Sets via Fusion Operators,
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems
Communications in Computer and Information Science 444 (2014), 355-363.
IPMU 2014 15th Conference on Information Processing & Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (Montpellier, France, 15 - 19 July 2014), A. Laurent et al. (Eds.).
A. Estevan,
Continuous representability of biorders,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 41-47.
J. Gutiérrez García, J. Rodríguez-López and S. Romaguera
Fuzzy uniformities of fuzzy metric spaces,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 67-74.
J. Gutiérrez García, J. Rodríguez-López, S. Romaguera and M. Sanchis
Topologies of Wisjman type for metric spaces,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 75-79.
I. Mardones-Pérez and M.A. de Prada Vicente
On fuzzy pseudometric spaces and formal balls,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 87-89.
L. De Miguel, H. Bustince, E. Induráin, A. Kolesárová, R. Mesiar and B. De Baets,
First Construction of admissible linear orders for pairs of intervals,
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology.
ISBN 978-94-62520-77-6, 2015, pgs. 1161-1167.
J. Gutiérrez García and I. Mozo Carollo
Zenbaki errealak eraikitzen,
EKAIA 29 (2016), 107-125.