J. Gutiérrez García, S. Romaguera and M. Sanchis
An identification theorem for the completion of the Hausdorff fuzzy metric,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 227 (2013), 96-106.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
Insertion and extension theorems for completely distributive lattice valued functions,
Commentationes Mathematicae 53 (2013) 315-321.
- J. Gutiérrez García and J. Picado
On the parallel between normality and extremal disconnectedness,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 218 (2014), no. 5, 784-803.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
A preservation result for completely regular locales,
Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 40-45.
- J. Gutiérrez García, J. Picado and M.A. de Prada Vicente
Monotone normality and stratifiability from a pointfree point of view,
Topology and its Applications 168 (2014), 46-65.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
Inserting measurable functions precisely,
Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 64 (2014), 743-749.
J. Gutiérrez García, J. Picado and A. Pultr
Notes on point-free real functions and sublocales,
Categorical Methods in Algebra and Topology, Textos de Matemática, DMUC, Vol. 46 (2014), 167-200.
I. Mardones-Pérez and M.A. de Prada Vicente,
Fuzzy pseudometric spaces vs fuzzifying structures
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 267 (2015), 117-132.
G. Bosi, A. Estevan, J. Gutiérrez García and E. Induráin
Continuous representability of interval orders: The topological compatibility setting,
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 23 (2015), no. 3, 345-365.
- I. Mozo Carollo, J. Gutiérrez García and J. Picado
On the Dedekind completion of function rings,
Forum Mathematicum 27 (2015), no. 5, 2551-2585.
- J. Gutiérrez García and T. Kubiak
Forty years of Hutton fuzzy unit interval,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 281 (2015), 128-133.
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and J. Picado
Presenting the frame of the unit circle,
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 220 (2016), no. 3, 976-1001.
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and J. Picado
Normal semicontinuity and the Dedekind completion of pointfree function rings,
Algebra Universalis 75 (2016), no. 3, 301-330.
I. Mardones-Pérez and M.A. de Prada Vicente,
An application of a representation theorem for fuzzy metrics to domain theory
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 300 (2016), 72-83.
J. Gutiérrez García, I. Mozo Carollo and J. Picado
A unified view of the Dedekind completion of point-free function rings
Quaestiones Mathematicae 39 (2016), no. 7, 991-1003.
Other publications
- J. Picado and J. Gutiérrez García
Variants of normality and their duals: a pointfree unification of insertion and extension theorems for real-valued functions,
TACL 2013. Sixth International Conference on Topology, Algebra and Categories in Logic.
ISSN 2040-557X, 2014, pgs. 171-175.
J. Gutiérrez García, J. Rodríguez-López and S. Romaguera
Fuzzy uniformities of fuzzy metric spaces,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 67-74.
J. Gutiérrez García, J. Rodríguez-López, S. Romaguera and M. Sanchis
Topologies of Wisjman type for metric spaces,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 75-79.
I. Mardones-Pérez and M.A. de Prada Vicente
On fuzzy pseudometric spaces and formal balls,
Recent progress in Topology and Applications (Proceedings of WiAT'15, Murcia, 2015),
University of Murcia, ISBN 978-84-606-8345-2, 2015, pgs. 87-89.
J. Gutiérrez García and I. Mozo Carollo
Zenbaki errealak eraikitzen,
EKAIA 29 (2016), 107-125.