Eduki publikatzailea

Ekitaldien agenda ZTF-FCT (2018ko maiatzaren 21a)

Lehenengo argitaratze data: 2018/05/21

Astelehena, de 2018ko maiatzak 21a.

BioForo hitzaldia “Mechanistic insights into regulation of KCNQ (M-type, Kv7) K+ channels by PIP2 and calmodulin” Mark Steven Shapiro (Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology. Neuroscience Program. University of Texas Health Science Center)
BioForo-ek antolatuta
Adela Moyua gela

Asteazkena, 2018ko maiatzak 23a.

BioSciences&medicine Mintegia “Molecular tips and tricks to deconstruct the biology of tumors” Arkaitz Carracedo (CIC bioGUNE)
Ugo Mayor-ek antolatuta
Sala Adela Moyua