iw Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

With the introduction of the Internet of Things, the industry as we knew it has changed. Today, in the wake of the new industrial revolution, the digital world is becoming more important, not only for collecting data, but also for determining how the real world works.

We have all heard of virtual reality or the simulation of reality. Thousands of applications have been developed, in many fields, to simulate reality. For industry, process simulation is not only a technological advance, it is a resource that solves many areas of opportunity.

The simulation of processes or industrial processes is not new, but today, along with Industry 4.0, the method for setting them up has changed. A process simulator is a kind of digital or virtual model of any manufacturing process. This digital model or copy is designed from various elements that are intended to manufacture a certain product.

Thanks to this detailed design of the digital world, production is more efficient in time, accuracy and safety. The margins for error are considerably reduced, as areas of opportunity can be determined in advance. In addition, since the process simulator multiplies the calculations, it is possible to project into the future.

Today, various advantages and benefits of process simulation can be exploited. Particularly noteworthy are:

  • Design, creation, and constant optimization of industrial plants.
  • Improving production times.
  • To have a preliminary view of possible work strategies and to study them.
  • Simulate the use of automated machinery and work equipment.
  • Model breakdowns of machines and other equipment.
  • Design preventive maintenance patterns.
  • Etc.

Simulating prevents many risks. Manufacturing industries lose a lot of resources every year in mechanical and strategic defects. A simulation platform can ensure the smallest detail from start to finish to guarantee efficient production.

The use of simulation processes will become more and more common. Through this method, complete processes can be carried out, reducing the costs and risks of a complete production. This digital copy of processes is essential for companies to work in an increasingly competitive environment.