Ingurune eraikiaren ebaluazio eta kudeaketa modeloak

Ekodiseinua materialetan, eraikuntza-sistemetan eta ingurune eraikian

The study of properties and behavior of self compacting concrete containing Electric Arc Furnace Slag (EAFS) as aggregate

Amaia Santamaría, Vanesa Ortega-López, Marta Skaf, José Antonio Chica, José Manuel Manso
Ain Shams Engineering Journal
Hasierako orria - Amaierako orria:
231 - 243


Electric Arc Furnace Slag (EAFS) can be efficiently reused as aggregate in the production of high-volume batches of hydraulic concrete mixes that show interesting properties in both the fresh and the hardened state. Mixtures containing EAFS aggregate in proportions of nearly 50% by volume are prepared for use as pumpable and self-compacting mixes with consistency classes of S4 and SF2, respectively. Characterization of the mixtures is presented, examining practical aspects such as thixotropy, segregation in the fresh state (under 6%), and mechanical and microstructural evolution in the hardened state. The results yielded compressive strengths of approximately 60 MPa and elastic moduli of 38 GPa after one year. Finally, real-scale flexural elements are cast and subjected to sustained loading tests of moderate intensity. Long-term deflection values were approximately 50% (pumpable mixes) and less than 40% (self-compacting mixes) of the maximum admissible values specified in current standards.</br>


The authors wish to express their gratitude to: the Vice-Rectorate of Investigation of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) [PIF 2013]; the Vice-Rectorate of Investigation of the University of Burgos [SUCONS]; the Junta de Castilla y León (Regional Government) for funding the UIC-231 group through project BU119P17 partially supported by FEDER funds; Project RTI2018‐097079‐B‐C31 (MCIU/AEl/EU) and the UPV/EHU [PPGA19/61]. Moreover, we are also grateful to both the Basque Government research group (IT1314-19) and the companies Chryso Additives and Hormor-Zestoa for their ongoing collaboration with the present research group.

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