Ingurune eraikiaren ebaluazio eta kudeaketa modeloak

Ekodiseinua materialetan, eraikuntza-sistemetan eta ingurune eraikian

Experimental evaluation of cement mortars with recycled brass fibres from the electrical discharge machining process

Roque Borinaga-Treviño, Aimar Orbe, Javier Canales, José Norambuena-Contreras
Construction and Building Materials


This paper aims to evaluate the effect of recycled brass fibres on the physical, thermal and mechanical properties of cementitious mortars. For that purpose, seven different mortars, with the same water/cement ratio but using two different brass fibres were manufactured. Not-machined brass fibres were used as a reference and compared to the waste brass fibres obtained as a by-product of wire cutting methods through electrical discharge machines. Both fibres were added to the mortars in proportions of 0.25%, 0.5% and 1% by volume of mortar. The morphology and presence of elements in the fibres were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). In addition, ultrasonic pulse velocity and thermal conductivity were measured to evaluate the mortar quality and the fibre dispersion into the mortar specimens. Mechanical properties were studied through flexural and compression tests. Since the fibres present a reduced length, the effect on both porosity and bulk density is negligible and the reduction on ultrasonic pulse velocity and compression strength and the slight increment on flexural strength is not remarkable due to the limited anchorage provided. Nonetheless, the improvement in the thermal conductivity of the developed mortars with recycled brass fibres, supports focusing on the niche market of heating installations, such as underfloor heating or closed-loop geothermal heat exchangers.



This work has been partly financed within the European Horizon 2020 Joint Technology Initiative Shift2Rail through contract no. 826255 (IN2TRACK2). This work has also been co-financed with the project Elkartek 2019 ref. KK-2019/00023 (GOLIAT2). The authors also wish to thank the Basque Government for financial assistance through IT919-16 and IT1314-19.

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