
COST Action TD1402 RADIOMAG: Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia and Indirect Radiation Therapy

The main objective of the TD-1402 COST Action is to address several major issues facing fundamental aspects and clinical translation of magnetic hyperthermia, and to promote it as an anti-cancer treatment in combination with radiotherapy through targeted research, carefully planned cross disciplinary interaction and dissemination to the general public. This COST Action aims at teaming experienced scientists and young researchers from nanophysics, chemical sciences and medicine for improving the knowledge of combined cancer therapies. Particular attention is paid to the increase of the radiotherapy efficiency and its combination with magnetic hyperthermia. These new findings, obtained under the coordination framework of this Action, will result in a better dose optimisation confining cell damage to tumour regions only, under concurrent exploitation of sophisticated radio surgical tools already available in hospitals. Furthermore, proper dissemination of scientific results to the broad public and possible stakeholders is another important concern of this Action.

COST-RADIOMAG2017: Annual Action Conference and MC meeting

This year the annual MC and joint meeting will be held  in Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain). Bilbao is the commercial and administrative head of an area of about one million people living by the Ibaizabal-Nervion estuary. After centuries of trading and iron industry, in the last decades Bilbao has become a service town, supported by a huge investment in infrastructure and urban renewal, that started with the construction of an underground network (Metro Bilbao) in 1995 and the opening of the Bilbao Guggenheim Museum in 1997.