Dra. Lourdes Irusta
(<strong>Irakasle titularra, ikerketa taldea:</strong> Polimeroen zientzia)

Dr. Lourdes Irusta graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 1989, and obtained the Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the same university working in the synthesis and infrared characterization of segmented polyurethanes under the supervision of Prof. M.J. Fernández-Berridi. In 1999 she obtained a position as assistant professor in the Department of Polymer science and tecnology of the University of the Basque Country. Since 2000, she is a member of the Institute of Polymer Materials, Polymat.
Her current research interest are focused on the following topics: waterborne polyurethane/inorganic material hybrid nanocomposites, Polyurethane foams and polymer characterization by infrared spectroscopy.
She has published more than 30 papers related to the synthesis and infrared characterization of polymeric materials.
<ul><li><a href="https://www.ehu.eus/web/polymat/polymer-science-publications">Argitalpen gehiago</a></li></ul>