Rheology 2010

Erreologia taldearen argitalpenak

  1. M. CHAPARTEGUI, N.MARKAIDE, S.FLOREZ, C.ELIZETXEA, M.FERNÁNDEZ, A.SANTAMARIA. "Specific rheological and electrical features of carbon nanotube dispersions in an epoxy matrix". COMPOSITE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 70, 879-884 (2010)
  2. M.BARRAL, R.ROMERA, C.LORENZO, P.GARMENDIA, I.MARTÍNEZ, M.E. MUÑOZ, A. SANTAMARIA. "Las Euroclases: Clasificación de la reacción al fuego de mezclas bituminosas". OBRAS URBANAS p. 94 Febrero 2010
  3. A. AREVALILLO, M. FERNÁNDEZ, M.E. MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA. "Linear viscoelasticity, probe tack and extrusion flow results of SEBS copolymers". POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 50, 1449- 1456 (2010)
  4. M. FERNÁNDEZ, M. LANDA, M.E. MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA. "Tackiness of an electrically conducting polyurethane-nanotube nanocomposite". INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES 30, 609-614 (2010)
  5. J. CANALES, M.E. MUÑOZ, A. SANTAMARIA, J.L. GARCÍA-ALVAREZ, G.A. CARRIEDO. "Rheological behavior and microestructure of 2,2-dioxyl-1.1- binaphthylphosphazene R/S random copolymer". JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE: PART B. POLYMER PHYSICS 48, 2215-2221 (2010)
  6. M.FERNÁNDEZ, M.LANDA, M.E. MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA. " Thermal and viscoleastic features of new nanocomposites based on a hot melt adhesive polyurethane and multiwalled carbon naotubes". MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 295, 1031-1041 (2010)
  7. A. AREVALILLO, M. FERNÁNDEZ, M.E. MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA. "Viscoelasticity, tackiness, and extrusion flow of block copolymers". SOCIETY OF PLASTICS ENGINEERS. PLASTIC RESEARCH ON LINE 21 Mayo 2010
  8. DOI: 10.1002/spepro.002917