Rheology 2006

Erreologia taldearen argitalpenak

  1. R.ROMERA,A.SANTAMARIA,J.J.PEÑA,M.E.MUÑOZ M.BARRAL,E.GARCIA,V.JAÑEZ. "Rheological aspects of the rejuvenation of aged bitumen". RHEOLOGICA ACTA 45,474-478 (2006)
  2. V.LEAL,P.LAFUENTE,R.ALICANTE,R.PEREZ,A.SANTAMARIA. "New reuslts on the correlation Molecular Architecture-Melt Elasticity-Film Propperties for convencional and Metallocene-catalyzed polyethylenes". MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 291,670-676 (2006)
  3. O.GONZÁLEZ,M.E.MUÑOZ,A.SANTAMARÍA. Bitumen/polythylene blends:usingm-LLDPEs to improve stability and viscoelastic properties. RHEOLOGICA ACTA 45,603-610 (2006)
  4. E.ROJO, B.PEÑA, M.E.MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA. A Study of the Use of Oscillatory Flow to Characterize Isotactic and Syndiotactic Polypropylenes. MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS 207(19), 1781-1788 (2006)
  5. S. FLOREZ, ME.E.MUÑOZ, A. SANTAMARÍA. "Novel Dynamic viscoelastic measurements of Polyurethane copolymer melts and their implication to tack results". MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS & ENGINEERING,291, 1194-1200 (2006)
  6. E.ROJO, M.FERNANDEZ M.E.MUÑOZ, A.SANTAMARIA. Relation between PVT measurements and linear viscosity is isotactic and syndiotactic polypropylenes. POLYMER 47, 7853-7858 (2006)