2019 Polymerization Processes Publications

2019 Polymerization Processes Publications

BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS (published and submitted)

R. TOMOVSKA, J. BLAZEVSKA-GILEV, Y. JOSEPH, R. FAJGAR, “Laser ablated graphene/polymer based sensors: relating composite morphology and sensor properties”, submitted, NATO Science Series, Springer.
A. SIMULA, N. BALLARD, J.M. ASUA, “Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization” in Nitroxides: Synthesis, properties and applications, RSC (expected publication 2020).



J. M. M. FAUST, S. HAMZEHLOU, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA, A. MHAMDI, A. MITSOS, "Dynamic Optimization of a Two-Stage Emulsion Polymerization to Obtain Desired Particle Morphologies", CHEM. ENG. J. 359, 1035-1045 (2019). Q1
A. SIMULA, F. RUIPEREZ, N. BALLARD, J.R. LEIZA, S. VAN ES, J.M. ASUA, “Why Can Dispolreg 007 Control the Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization of Methacrylates?", POLYMER CHEMISTRY 10(1), 106-113 (2019). Q1 D1
A. SIMULA, N. BALLARD, M. AGUIRRE, J.R. LEIZA, S. VAN ES, J.M. ASUA, “Nitroxide Mediated Copolymerization of acrylates, methacrylates and styrene: The importance of side reactions in the polymerization of acrylates”, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL 110, 319-329 (2019). Q1
N. BALLARD, A.D. LAW, S.A.F. BON, “Colloidal Particles at Fluid Interfaces: Behavior of Isolated Particles”, SOFT MATTER Soft Matter, 15, 1186-1199 (2019). Q1
S. NEVEJANS, N. BALLARD, M. FERNANDEZ, B. RECK, J.M. ASUA, “Flexible Aromatic Disulfide Monomers for High-Performance Self-Healable Linear and Cross-Linked Poly(urethane-urea) Coatings”, POLYMER, 166, 229-238 (2019,) DOI 10.1016/j.polymer.2019.02.001 Q1
S. NEVEJANS, N. BALLARD, I. RIVILLA, M. FERNANDEZ, A. SANTAMARIA, B. RECK, J.M. ASUA, “Synthesis of Mechanically Strong Waterborne Poly(urethane-urea)s Capable of Self-Healing at Elevated Temperatures”, EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, 112, 411-422 (2019). DOI: 10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2019.01.022 Q1
S. NEVEJANS, N. BALLARD, M. FERNANDEZ, B. RECK, S.J. GARCIA, J.M.ASUA. “The challenges of obtaining mechanical strenggth in self-healing polymers containing dynamic covalent bonds”. POLYMER, 179, 121670 (2019). Q1
E. LIMOUSIN, N. BALLARD, J.M. ASUA, “The Influence of Particle Morphology on the Structure and Mechanical Properties of Films Cast from Hybrid Latexes”, PROGRESS IN ORGANIC COATINGS, 129, 69-76 (2019). Q1
E. LIMOUSIN, N. BALLARD, J.M. ASUA, “Soft Core–Hard Shell Latex Particles for Mechanically Strong VOC-free Polymer Films”, J. APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE, 136, 23,2019, DOI: 10.1002/app.47608 Q2
E. LIMOUSIN, N. BALLARD, J.M. ASUA, “Synthesis of Cellulose Nanocrystal Armored Latex Particles for Mechanically Strong Nanocomposite Films”, POLYMER CHEMISTRY, 10(14), 1823-1831, (2019), 10.1039/C8PY01785A Q1 D1
E. LIMOUSIN, D.E. MARTINEZ-TONG, N. BALLARD, J.M. ASUA, “Cure-Dependent Morphology of Acrylic/Alkyd Hybrid Latex Films via Nanomechanical Mapping”, ACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS 1 (8), 2213-2223 (2019), DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.9b00507 (Q Pending)
S. MEHRAVAR, N. BALLARD, A. AGIRRE, R. TOMOVSKA, J.M. ASUA Mehravar, “Role of Grafting on Particle and Film Morphology and Film Properties of Zero VOC Polyurethane/Poly(meth)acrylate Hybrid Dispersions”, MACROMOL MATER ENG 304, 2, 1800532-1800542 (2019). Q1
S. MEHRAVAR, K.J. ROSCHMANN, P. URIBE AROCHA,  B. RECK, A. AGIRRE, R. TOMOVSKA, J.M. ASUA, N. BALLARD, “Correlating Microstructure and Performance of PU/(meth)acrylic Hybrids as Hardwood Floor Coating”, Progress in Organic Coatings 131, 417–426 (2019). Q1
S. MEHRAVAR, N. BALLARD, R. TOMOVSKA, J.M. ASUA, "The Influence of Macromolecular Structure and Composition on Mechanical Properties of Films Cast from Solvent-Free Polyurethane/Acrylic Hybrid Dispersions", MACROMOL. MATER. ENG. 2019, 1900155. Q1
N. RAJABALINIA, S. HAMZEHLOU, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA, “Experimental Validation of a Mathematical Model for the Evolution of the Particle Morphology of Waterborne Polymer-Polymer Hybrids: Paving the Way to the Design and Implementation of Optimal Polymerization Strategies”, CHEM. ENG. J. 363, 259–269 (2019). Q1
N. RAJABALINIA, S. HAMZEHLOU, E. MODIN, A. CHUVILIN, J.R. LEIZA, J.M. ASUA, “Coupling HAADF-STEM tomography and image reconstruction for the precise characterization of particle morphology of composite polymer latexes”, MACROMOLECULES 52(14), 5298-5306 (2019). Q1 D1
W. GERLINGER, J.M. ASUA, T. CHALOUPKA, J.M.M. FAUST, F. GJERTSEN, S. HAMZEHLOU, S.O. HAUGER, E. JAHNS, P.J. JOY, J. KOSEK, A. LAPKIN, J.R. LEIZA, A. MHAMDI, A. MITSOS, O. NAEEM, N. RAJABALINIA, P. SINGSTAD, J. SUBERU, “Dynamic Optimization and Non-linear Model Predictive Control to Achieve Targeted Particle Morphologies”, CHEMIE INGENIEUR TECHNIK, 91, (3), 323-335 (2019). DOI: 10.1002/cite.201800118 Q3
I. EMALDI, S. HAMZEHLOU, E. ERKIZIA, J.S. DOLADO, A. ETXEBERRIA, J.R. LEIZA, “Modelling and Control of the Microstructure of Comb-Like Poly(MAA-co-PEGMA) Water-Soluble Copolymers”, POLYMER CHEMISTRY 10 (8), 1000-1009 (2019). DOI: 10.1039/c8py01599f Q1
M. PROSHEVA, M.A. ABOUDZADEH, G.P. LEAL, J. BLAZHEVSKA GILEV, R. TOMOVSKA, "High-Performance UV Protective Waterborne Polymer Coatings Based on Hybrid Graphene/Carbon Nanotube Radicals Scavenging Filler". PART. PART. SYST. CHARACT. 2019, 1800555 Q1
A. DE SAN LUIS, Z. AGUIRREURRETA, L.M. PARDO, A. PEREZ-MARQUEZ, J. MAUDES, N. MURILLO, M. PAULIS, J.R. LEIZA, “PS/PMMA- CdSe/ZnS quantum dots hybrid nanofibers for VOCs sensors”, ISRAEL J. CHEMISTRY 58 1-10 (2018) DOI: 10.1002/ijch.201800038 Q3
G. SILJANOVSKA-PETRESKA, C. AUSCHRA, M. PAULIS, “Confinement driven crystallization of ABA crystalline-soft block copolymers synthesized via RAFT mediated miniemulsion polymerization”, POLYMER 158, 327-337 (2018). DOI: 10.1016/j.polymer.2018.10.073 Q1
G. SILJANOVSKA-PETRESKA, A. ARBE, C. AUSCHRA, M. PAULIS, "Mechanical and Morphological Properties of Waterborne ABA Hard-Soft-Hard Block Copolymers Synthesized by Means of RAFT Miniemulsion Polymerization", POLYMERS 2019, 11, 1259; doi:10.3390/polym11081259 Q1
M. BANDIERA, M. AGUIRRE, S. HAMZEHLOU, F. RUIPEREZ, R. BALK, M.J. BARANDIARAN, J.R. LEIZA, “Copolymerization of (meth)acrylates with vinyl araomatic macomonomers: understanding the mechanism of retardation on the kinetics with acrylates”, POLYMER CHEMISTRY 10, 1769-1779 (2019) DOI: 10.1039/c9py00062c. Q1 D1
G. MAGI MECONI, R. TOMOVSKA, R. ZANGI, “Adsorption of CO2 Gas on Graphene-Polymer Composites”, Journal of CO₂ Utilization  32, 92–105 (2019). Q1
V. ALVAREZ, N.S.J. WILLIAMS, M. PAULIS. "Isolation of the interaction between CaCO3 filler and acrylic binder. Part I: Effect of the Surfactant and Functional Monomer Type", PROG. ORG. COAT. 136, 105212 (2019). Q1
V. ALVAREZ, N. WILLIAMS, M. PAULIS, lvarez, N. Williams, M. Paulis, “Isolation of the interaction between CaCO3 filler and acrylic binder. Part II: Effect of the amount and type of functional monomer type”, Prog. Org. Coat. 134, 281-287 (2019) Q1
F. BOSCAN M. MEEUWISSE, D. MESTACH M. PAULIS, M.J. BARANDIARAN, S.J. BOHORQUEZ, "Incorporation of Very Insoluble Monomers in Waterborne Coatings", MACROMOL. MAT. AND ENG., 304 (7), 1900059, DOI: 10.1002/mame.201900059 Q1
S. CHIMENTI, J. M. VEGA, E. GARCIA LECINA, H.J. GRANDE, M. PAULIS, J.R. LEIZA, "Combined Effect of Crystalline Nanodomains and in Situ Phosphatization on the Anticorrosion Properties of Waterborne Composite Latex Films", IND. ING. CHEM. RES. (2019). Q1
S. CHIMENTI, J. M. VEGA, E. GARCIA LECINA, H.J. GRANDE, M. PAULIS, J.R. LEIZA,  "In-situ Phosphatization and Enhanced Corrosion Properties of Films Made of Phosphate Functionalized Nanoparticles". REACTIVE AND FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS, 143, 104334 (2019). Q1
S. NOPPALIT, A. SIMULA, N. BALLARD, X. CALLIES, J.M. ASUA, L. BILLON, “Renewable Terpene Derivative as a Biosourced Elastomeric Building Block in the Design of Functional Acrylic Copolymers”, BIOMACROMOLECULES 20(6), 2241-2251 (2019). DOI: 10.1021/acs.biomac.9b00185 Q1 D1
A.I. BENÍTEZ-MATEOS, E. MEHRAVAR, S. VELASCO-LOZANO, R. TOMOVSKA, L. SALASSA, F. LÓPEZ-GALLEGO,  Selective Immobilization of Fluorescent Proteins for the Fabrication of Photoactive Materials, MOLECULES 2019, 24, 2775; doi:10.3390/molecules24152775 Q2
A. ERICE, I. AZKUNE, A. RUIZ DE LUZURIAGA, F. RUIPEREZ, M. IRIGOYEN, J.M. MATXAIN, J.M. ASUA, H-J. GRANDE, A. REKONDO, “Effect of Regioisomerism on Processability and Mechanical Properties of Amine​/Urea Exchange Based Poly(urea-​urethane) Vitrimers”, ACS APPL. POLYM. MAT.  (2019), 1(9), 2472-2481. (Q pending) 


Accepted Papers

S. MEHRAVAR, N. BALLARD, R. TOMOVSKA, J.M. ASUA, “Polyurethane(PU)/acrylic hybrid waterborne dispersions: Synthesis, properties and applications”, IND. & ENG. CHEM. RES. Q1 DOI: 10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02324 Q1
S. NOPPALIT, A. SIMULA, L. BILLON, J.M. ASUA, "Paving the way to sustainable waterborne pressure-sensitive adhesives using terpene-based triblock copolymers", Journal: ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Q1
S. CHIMENTI, J.M. VEGA, E. GARCIA-LECINA, M. PAULIS, J.R. LEIZA, Synergic effect of semicrystalline nanodomains and in-situ phosphatization on the anticorrosion properties of waterborne latexes” , IND. ENG. CHEM. RES. Q1


Submitted Papers

S. CHIMENTI, J.M. VEGA, E. GARCIA-LECINA, H-J. GRANDE, M. PAULIS, J.R. LEIZA, “Critical film formation and evaluation of fluorinated-phosphate based waterborne binder by EIS and SKP”, Prog. Org. Coat. Q1
Y. REYES, S. HAMZEHLOU, J.R. LEIZA, “Ostwald ripening in nano/miniemulsions in the presence of two costabilizers as reveled by Brownian Dynamics simulations”, LANGMUIR Q1
Y. TAMSILIAN, A. AGIRRE, M. FERNANDEZ,  J.J. SHENG, R. TOMOVSKA, Towards High-Molar Mass Thermoassociating Graft Copolymers Containing Poly (acrylamide-co-diacetoneacrylamide) Side Chains, Polymer Q1
N. POLITAKOS, I. BARBARIN, L. SERRANO CANTADOR, J.A. CECILIAC, E. MEHRAVAR, R. TOMOVSKA, Graphene-based Monolithic Nanostructures for CO2 Capture, Chem. Eng. J. Q1
A.I. BENÍTEZ-MATEOS, E. MEHRAVAR, S. VELASCO-LOZANO, R. TOMOVSKA, L. SALASSA, F. LÓPEZ-GALLEGO, Selective Immobilization of Fluorescent Proteins for the Fabrication of Photoactive Materials, Molecules Q2
A. BADIA, A. AGIRRE, J.I. SANTONS, M.J. BARANDIARAN, J.R. LEIZA, “UV tunable biobased pressure sensitive adhesives containing piperonyl methacrylate” ACS SUSTAINABLE AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Q1
A. BARQUERO, A. AGIRRE, BARANDIARAN, J.R. LEIZA, “Monitoring the evolution of the microstructure of vinyl silane monomer containing poly(vinyl acetate) based copolymer latexes during storage” EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL Q1
A. BARQUERO, BARANDIARAN, J.R. LEIZA, “Emulsion copolymerization of vinyl acetate and vinyl silanes: Kinetics and development of microstructure”, MACROMOLECULAR REACTION ENGINEERING Q2
N. JIMENEZ, N. BALLARD, J.M. ASUA, “Hydrogen bond directed formation of mechanically strong polymer films using naturally occurring polyphenols”, MACROMOLECULES Q1 D1
S. NOPPALIT, A. SIMULA, L. BILLON, J.M. ASUA, "On the nitroxide mediated polymerization of methacrylates derived from bio-sourced terpenes in miniemulsion”, POLYMER CHEMISTRY Q1 D1