Jodra Luque Jose Luis

Jodra Luque, Jose Luis

Datu pertsonalak

Jodra Luque, Jose Luis

Helbidea: Urkixo zumarkalea z.g. PK: 48013. Bilbo
Bulegoa: 3A21
Telefonoa: +34 94 601 3958
Fax: +34 94 601 4259


Titulazio akademikoa

Unibertsitateko titulazioa

Titulua: Informatikako Ingeniaria
Zentroa: Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
Lorpen data: 2001


Programaren izenburua: Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles.
DEA lorpen data: 2005
Tesiaren izenburua: -
Lorpen data: -


Masterraren titulua: Master en Administración y Gestión de Empresas (MBA)
Zentroa: Escuela de Administración de Empresas de Cataluña (EAE)
adscrita a la Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC).
Lorpen data: Junio 2002.


Service Discovery Mechanism Over OLSR for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Jose Luis Jodra, Maribel Vara, Jose Ma Cabero, Josu Bagazgoitia
20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA 2006)

<p lang="en">This paper considers the subject of provisioning services in ad-hoc networks. Service discovery in these networks is challenging due to the lack of central infrastructure, limited resources and high mobility. We propose integrating this mechanism on the proactive OLSR (Optimized Link State Routing) protocol. A new message type, called Service Discovery Message (SDM), is added. This message will announce (servers) and request (clients) for services. Available local services will only be advertised once, with a specific lifetime, in order to avoid increasing the network overhead. These services will be stored in a local service cache that is maintained on each node. When a node wants to make use of a service, it will look on the cache. If it is not yet stored, it will send a query message. Simulation results are presented to demonstrate that the introduced packet overhead is insignificant compared with the standard OLSR protocol. These mechanisms must be efficient: every node should know the maximum number of services as possible. In networks with few nodes, the percentage of discovered services is around 90%. On the other hand, in bigger networks, was higher than the 80%. We believe that due to the obtained results, the following step consists on proving the protocol here presented in real scenarios using prototypes.</p>

<p lang="en">IEEE Computer Society - 18-20 April 2006, Vienna, Austria.</p>