
XSLaren edukia


Gaiari buruzko datu orokorrak


Irakasgaiaren azalpena eta testuingurua

This course is an introduction to the application of statistic and chemometric tools to the analysis of data obtained mainly, but not only, after chemical analysis of a large variety of environmental samples. Descriptive and inference statistics are briefly reviewed, and the most important multivariate techniques for pattern recognition, classification and regression are also deeply investigated. Rather than on the mathematical detail, the course focuses on understanding the basic concepts behind each technique, and on selecting the most appropriate tool in each specific situation. The theoretical basis of the techniques considered will be illustrated by the resolution of exercises and case studies.


IzenaErakundeaKategoriaDoktoreaIrakaskuntza-profilaArloaHelbide elektronikoa
DE DIEGO RODRIGUEZ, ALBERTOEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko Irakaslego TitularraDoktoreaElebidunaKimika
MADARIAGA MOTA, JUAN MANUELEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko KatedradunaDoktoreaElebakarraKimika
OLIVARES ZABALANDIKOETXEA, MAITANEEuskal Herriko UnibertsitateaUnibertsitateko Irakaslego TitularraDoktoreaElebidunaKimika


Que el estudiante conozca y sea capaz de aplicar los principios de Análisis estadístico de datos medioambientales.33.0 %
Que el estudiante conozca y sea capaz de aplicar los principios de Aplicación del análisis multivariante.33.0 %
Que el estudiante conozca y sea capaz de aplicar los principios del análisis de series temporales.33.0 %

Irakaskuntza motak

MotaIkasgelako orduakIkasgelaz kanpoko orduakOrduak guztira
Ordenagailuko p.1522.537.5

Irakaskuntza motak

IzenaOrduakIkasgelako orduen ehunekoa
Eskola magistralak50.050 %
Mintegiak12.513 %
Ordenagailuko praktikak37.537 %


IzenaGutxieneko ponderazioaGehieneko ponderazioa
Azalpenak20.0 % 20.0 %
Eskoletara joatea10.0 % 10.0 %
Idatzizko azterketa40.0 % 40.0 %
Kasu praktikoen ebazpena30.0 % 30.0 %

Irakasgaia ikastean lortuko diren emaitzak

The student should be able to interpret correctly large series of data coming from the analysis of environmental samples, making use of the appropriate statistical and chemometric techniques and methods in each specific case.

Ohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea

The evaluation of this course will be of a mixed type. The final score will be obtained as the weighted average of the following sections: i) Lecture attendance (10%), bibliographic survey (20%), iii) practical tasks (30%) and iv) written examination (40%). A minimum score of 5.0 in each section will be required to pass the course. If the student waives the call, she/he will be graded as not presented.

Ezohiko deialdia: orientazioak eta uko egitea

The extraordinary examination will be carried out in similar conditions than the ordinary one. If the student passed with a minimum grade of 5.0 any activity of the course that was already evaluated in the ordinary call, those activities will be taken into account in the extraordinary one. If the student waives the call, she/he will be graded as not presented.


1.- Introduction: statistics, chemometrics, environmental analysis, multivariate data analysis

2.- Basic statistics: descriptive and inference statistics

3.- Exploratory analysis

4.- Pattern recognition

5.- Classification

6.- Calibration and regression


Nahitaez erabili beharreko materiala

Personal computer

Oinarrizko bibliografia

1.- M. Otto, Chemometrics, Statistics and Computer Application in Analytical Chemistry, Wiley, Weinheim, 1999

2.- D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler, S. R. Crouch, Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 8th edition, Thomson Brooks-Cole, Belmont, 2004

3.- J. N. Miller, J. C. Miller, Estatistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry, 4th edition, Pearson Education, Essex, 2000

4.- G. Ramis, M. C. García, Quimiometría, Síntesis, Madrid, 2001

5.- K. H. Esbensen, Multivariate Data Analysis – in Practice, 5th edition, CAMO Process AS, 2004

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia

1.- B. Kendall, C. Costello, Data Analysis for Environmental Science and Management, (

2.- G. Hanrahan, Environmental Chemometrics: Principles and Modern Applications, CRC Press, Boca Ratón, 2009

3.- J. W. Einax, H. W. Zwanziger, S. Geiss, Chemometrics in Environmental Analysis, VCH, Hamburg, 1997


Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory systems

Journal of Chemometrics



XSLaren edukia

Ezin izan da edukia sortu, beranduago saiatu. Arazoak aurrera jarraitzen badu, jarri harremanetan CAUrekin (Tlf: 946014400 / Email: / Web: