
XSLaren edukia


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Ekonomia Analisiaren Oinarriak
Analisi Ekonomikoa
Ekonomia eta Enpresa Fakultatea
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Iñaki Aguirre is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country. He holds Ph. D. in Economics from the University of the Basque Country (1995). M.A. in Public Economics from the Institute for Public Economy (1988) and B.A. in Economics from the University of the Basque Country (1986).

He was Head of Department between October 2009 and January 2014.

He has taught Introduction to Economic Theory, Advanced Microeconomics, Industrial Organization, Game Theory, Theory of Decision under Uncertainty, Market Power & Strategy, and Uncertainty & Contracts.

His research interests include Microeconomics, Industrial Organization and Game Theory. He has contributed to the analysis of the welfare effects of price discrimination, the regulation of monopoly under asymmetric information and the strategic choice of pricing policy. His work has been published in American Economic Review (TOP 5 publications in UPV/EHU, ), Journal of Public Economic Theory, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Regional Science & Urban Economics and Economic Theory Bulletin, among others.

Professor Aguirre has been Principal Investigator of two research projects and has participated as a researcher in 19 research projects. He has obtained 3 Positive Evaluations of the Research Activity by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and received an Award in the Program of Recognition to Excellence in Economics research.

XSLaren edukia

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