
XSLaren edukia

Rubén Ansola Loyola

Ezagutza arloa
Ingurumen Jarraituen Mekanika eta Egituren Teoria
Ingeniaritza Mekanikoa
Bilboko Ingeniaritza Eskola
Posta elektronikoa

Doctor Industrial Engineer (2000) and Associate Professor at the University of the Basque Country since 1996. His teaching activity is mainly related to the analysis of structures and mechanical elements, within the Degree in Industrial Technologies and the Master of Mechanical Engineering, teaching Resistance of Materials, Elastic Calculation of Solids and Structural Materials. He is also Professor of Aeronautical Structures within the Master of Aeronautical Technologies. He has been principal investigator of4 projects of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and participant in 3 European projects and in 5 projects subsidized by the Research Department of the Basque Government. His research activity focuses mainly on the development of procedures for the optimization of shape and topology of structures and their integration in additive manufacturing technologies. He has 24 years of investigation recognized by CNEAI and is co-author of numerous scientific articles and contributions to national and international congresses. He has also directed and collaborated in numerous projects for the transfer of knowledge to companies. He has been visiting professor in the school Ecole Supérieure Des Technologies Industrielles Avances (ESTIA) of Bayonne and in the Institute of Machine Tool (IMH) of Elgóibar.

XSLaren edukia