
Münsterreko Unibertsitateko irakasleak Gipuzkoako Ingeniaritza Eskolan daude

Alemaniako Münsterreko Unibertsitateko irakasleak Xabier Ostolaza, Eskolako zuzendariak, eta Maddi Garmendia, Nazioarteko Harremanetarako zuzendariordeak, hartu zituzte nazioarteko titulazio bikoitzen hitzarmenaren esparruan.

Egonaldian, irakasle bisitariek mintegi hauek emango dizkiete ikasleei:

Irakaslea Hitzaldiaren titulua/ deskribapena

Eguna/ordua/ tokia

Nori zuzenduta

Prof. Barbara Kaimann

Department of Energy, Building Services and Environmental Engineering

CO2 Footprint of buildings and possibilities of energy reduction/Energetical optimization in Germany



2.6 gela


Arkitektura Teknikoa

Prof. Peter Vennemann

Department of Energy, Building Services and Environmental Engineering

Energy System Modelling

Heat pumps and condensing boiler, photovoltaic and solar thermal heating, battery storage and ice accumulator, district heating and low exergy networks, combined heat and power and fuel cells. The diversity of technologies to supply heat and electricity has never been larger. There is almost an infinite number of possible combinations. But which one suits best? Energy system modeling helps to answer this question. Learn the basics about energy system modelling to build up on with modern open source modeling tools.



4.7 gela

SmartGrids Masterra

Ing. Elektrikoa

Industria Elektronikaren eta Automatikaren Ing. 

Prof. Konrad Mertens

Department Electrical Eng.

Photovoltaic installations:

1. The German Photovoltaics Miracle - History, obstacles and current situation
(We learn to know, how the German PV market developed in the last thirty years and what obstacles had to be overcome)

2. Clever fault check of photovoltaic installations
(We look on different efficient methods to detect and evaluate faults in photovoltaic installations)



2.4 gela

3. maila:

Ing. Elektrikoa

Industria Elektronikaren eta Automatikaren Ing. 


Prof. Reinhart Job

Dean of department of Electrical Engineering

The trouble with energy and resources

Do modern societies have a real problem with the supply of energy? Can we provide the actual western style of living in a sustainable way? Prof. Reinhart Job is describing the development of modern technological societies.



Gradu Aretoa

Titulazio guztiak


Saio horietan parte hartu nahi baduzu, eman izena formularioaren bidez.