EFF-Incoming Buddy program ESN

Buddy program

Buddy program

If you are about to travel to the Faculty of the Business and Economics of University of the Basque Country and would like a local student to help you upon arrival, fill in our:

  • Students in BILBAO-ELCANO and BILBAO-SARRIKO.  A buddy-student will be assigned to all foreign undergraduate students. It is not necessary to request it.
  • Students in DONOSTIA-SAN SEBASTIÁN and VITORIA-GASTEIZ. If you are interested in having a buddy-student, you must complete the following form: “Buddy request form


Buddies are local students who volunteer to assist international visitors prior and upon arrival, helping them get oriented in the city and within the campus.

  • A local student will help you settle in after you arrive at the UPV/EHU
  • Check that your contact details and the date of arrival are correct before sending the form
  • When you receive an email from us with the contact details of your BUDDY, don’t forget to write to him/her
  • If your trip has been cancelled, please tell us as soon as possible. That way, your BUDDY can help someone else settle in.
  • Priority for non-Spanish-speaking incoming students

European Student Network

Erasmus Student Network Bilbao is part of the biggest student organization in Europe, with more than 530 sections in 42 countries.