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Instrumentos para investigar e innovar en el diseño arquitectónico: Nuevas metodologías proyectuales, Taller de proceso creativo, Nuevas herramientas para la creación.

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-Del discurso del método a las nuevas metodologías de diseño arquitectónico.

-Las fases del proceso creativo.

-Gramática de la fantasía: técnicas de producción de ideas

-Herramientas para proyectar y fabricar geometrías complejas. Métodos informáticos y herramientas de corte y fabricación tridimensional.


-Se propone un formato de seminario dividido en dos partes: una primera de exploración de los procesos propios de otras disciplinas, con la aportación de la visión particular de un grupo variado de artistas y el ensayo de dichos procesos sobre ejemplos concretos; y una segunda de utilización de los instrumentos adquiridos abordando un ejercicio de intervención arquitectónica.

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− Talks: Taught at the beginning of each exercise or inserted during its development, they provide the essential theoretical foundations necessary to address the development of the exercises.

− Debate and explaining sessions: they are focused to explain the exercises (explanation of the own work in different steps of elaboration), to analyze the work, to debate, etc.

− Practical academic sessions: they are workshop classes, which means personal (or in a reduced group) review & assessment. This workshop time means the monitoring of the development of the exercises from the very first sketches to the final delivery.

− Visits and excursions: when it seems interesting for the right understanding of the site, a visit will be done, guided by the lecturers.

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It’s required to attend school and to progress, work individually and in team, and to participate in reviews, presentations and deliveries.

A continuous evaluation of the student will be done, which means:

− The result of the exercises; the personal (or in group) progress will be assessed.

− The result of personal review (or small groups); weekly progress will be assessed.

− The presentation and public explanation of the exercises, and active work and involvement.

The trajectory of the student himself will also be assessed during development, assessing the set of acquired skills. Such evaluation system, which assesses both the outcome of an exercise like the development process requires that the presentiality and participation is maximum. The assessment of the exercise itself provides 85% of its overall rating, consisting of 70% for the individual development and 15% of group work. The remaining 15% is contributed by the score on defense sessions, presentation and discussion.

The final mark will be reached not necessarily by means of the average of all the exercises done during the term, because the significance of the exercises will be different; even though deliver all the exercises is compulsory to be qualified and assessing the progress, attitude, etc.

A “minimum” will be required for each exercise; the directions for the material delivered (number and kind of plans, perspectives, models, scale, definition, etc.) will be fixed for each exercise.

An exercise will be marked incomplete when the required minimum for the exercise is not reached or the exercise is not delivered.

This exercise will not be qualified or reviewed, even though the student can complete the work at the end of the term and be eventually qualifed.

The student unable to attend and be involved on the term, because of justified reasons, can be evaluated at the end of the term via the final evaluation, delivering all the completed exercises, supplemented by a final test.

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Oinarrizko bibliografia

Francis Bacon. De la Sabiduría Egoísta. Madrid, Great ideas, Taurus. Santillana Editores, 2012

José Baltanás. Le Corbusier. Promenades. Barcelona, GG, 2005

Joseph Campbell. La imagen del mito. Girona, Ed. Atalanta, 2012.

Pedro Ceinos. Manual de escritura de carácteres chinos. Madrid, Miranguano ediciones, 1998.

Leonardo Da Vinci. Alegorías, Pensamientos, Profecías Pensamientos. Deseo insaciable de conocer. Madrid, Gadir Editorial S.L, 2014.

Umberto Eco. Historia de la belleza. Barcelona, Lumen, 2004.

Antonio Gamoneda. Canción Errónea. Barcelona, Tusquets, Nuevos textos sagrados, 2012.

Robert Graves. Los mitos Griegos. Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1986.

Johan Huizinga. Homo Ludens. Buenos Aires/Madrid, Alianza Editorial/Emecé Editores. 2000.

Edmond Jabés. El libro de las preguntas. Libros del tiempo. Madrid, Siruela, 2006.

Charles Jenks. Le Corbusier and the Tragic View of Architecture. Massachusetts, Harvard University Pres, 1973.

Louis Kahn. Essential Texts. Edited by Robert Twonly. New York, Ed. W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue.

Manjit Kumar. Quántum. Einstein, Bohr y el debate sobre la naturaleza de la realidad. Barcelona, Kairós, 2011.

Zi Lao. Tao Te King. Libro del curso y de la virtud. Madrid, Siruela, 1998.

Le Corbusier: Mensaje a los estudiantes de Arquitectura. Buenos Aires, Infinito, 2008.

Le Corbusier: Textos y Dibujos para Ronchamp. Suiza: edición Jean Petit. Association ouvre de N.D. du Haut, Ronchamp, 1965.

Le Corbusier. La casa del Hombre. Barcelona, Poseidón, 1999.

Le Corbusier. Précisions sur un état présent de l´architecture et de l´urbanisme. Paris, Éditions Crès, Collection de "L'Esprit Nouveau", 1930.

Alan Le May. Centauros del Desierto. (The Serchers). Madrid, Valdemar, 2013.

Jeremy Lewinson. Henry Moore. Köln, Taschen, 2007.

Janis Mink. Duchamp. Colonia, Taschen, 2004.

Pascal Quingard. Las escaleras de Chambord. Barcelona, Círculo de Lectores, 2013

Miguel Ángel Sabadell. Grandes Idas de la Ciencia. Barcelona, RBA, 2012.

Marcel Schwob. El Terror y la piedad. Buenos Aires, Libros del Zorzal, 2006.

Michel Serres. Atlas. Madrid, Cátedra, 1995.

George Steiner. Gramáticas de la creación. Madrid, Siruela, 2001.

Victor I. Stotchita. Breve historia de la sombra. Madrid, Siruela, 1999.

Junichiro Tanizaki. El elogio de la sombra. Madrid, Siruela, 1994

Eliot Weinberger. Las cataratas. Barcelona, Duomo Ediciones, 2012.

Maria Zambrano. Claros de Bosque. Madrid, Catedra. Letras hispánicas, 2011.

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31 Teoriakoa (Euskara - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak




31 Tailerra-1 (Euskara - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak




61 Teoriakoa (Ingelesa - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak






61 Tailerra-1 (Ingelesa - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak



