Applied EM

There is an increasing number of devices and networks that are based on wireless electromagnetic fields transmissions:
- Health hazard TBD to some extent → Downward revision of emission limits
- Social unrest due to the lack of reliable and rigorous information
Analysis under two points of view:
- Consequences: analysis of the potential health effects (Operational restrictions / Regulatory framework)
- Causes: EMF measuring and monitoring
Assets and expertise
Setting and configuring an instrumentation system for measuring local:
- Environmental EM exposure: Worst case scenario
- Accurate instanteneous EM exposure sort per radiocommunication service
- Personal EM exposure
Characterizing the changing behaviour of materials under EM exposure:
- Organic tissues
- Fabrics
EM exposure continuous monitoring in an area:
- Design of monitoring networks:
-Topology (Sensor nodes; Processing hubs; Cloud DDBB)
-Sampling and data conditioning.
- Measured data processing:
-Statistical characterization of EM exposure levels
-EM exposure maps
Theoretical-empirical models por EM exposure prediction in the far field region:
- SOCER: Software for the estimation of radioelectric emissions.
- Theoretical propagation models complemented by statistics based on on-the-field measurements.
Channel models for wireless communications of body area networks:
- In-body & on-body sensors
- NFC, Bluetooth...