L.J. Rodriguez-Fuentes, I. Torres
Simulación de un codificador de voz LPC
Actas de la Convención Internacional Informática.,
G. Bordel, I. Torres, E. Vidal
Backoff Smoothing in a Syntactic approah to Language Modelling
Proceedings of International Conference on Spoken Language processing (ICSLP),
851 - 854
I. Torres, A. Varona, F. Casacuberta
Automatic Segmentation and Phone Model Initialization in Continuous Speech Recognition
CRIM/FORWISS Workshop on Progress and Prospects of Speech Research and Technology . Published in H. Niemann, R. de Mori and G. Hanrieder, editors. Progress and Prospects of Speech research and Technology. Proceedings in Artificial Intelligence 1,
286 - 289
I. Torres, F. Casacuberta, L. Sánchez
Lingüistic decoding of Spanish Continous Speech with Hidden Markov Models
In F. Casacuberta and A. Sanfeliu. Editors, Advances in Pattern Recognition and Applications,
207 - 217 -
I. Galiano, E. Sanchis, I. Torres, F. Casacuberta
Acoustic-Phonetic Decoding of Spanish Continuous Speech
International Journal on Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence,
8 No 1,
155 - 180
I. Torres, F.Casacuberta
Multiple Codebook Spanish Phone Recognition using Semicontinuous Hidden Markov Models
Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH),
1543 - 1546
I. Torres, P. Iparraguirre
Acoustic-Phonetic Decoding of Spanish Occlusive Consonants
Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (EUROSPEECH),
457 - 460
I. Torres, F. Casacuberta, A. Varona
Acoustic-Phonetic Decoding of Spanish Continuous Speech with Hidden Markov Models
Proceedings of NATO-ASI New Advances and Trends in Speech Recognition and Coding,
43 - 46
I. Torres, F. Casacuberta
Spanish Phone Recognition using Semicontinuous Hidden Markov Models
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustic, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP),
515 - 518
I. Torres, F. Cascuberta
Decodificación Acústico-Fonética del habla continua Castellana mediante Modelos de Markov Ocultos
Actas del V Simposium Nacional de Reconocimiento de Formas y Análisis de Imágenes (SNRFAI),
172 - 179