Título cursos EPP

Workshop on Emulsion Polymerization Processes


Workshop on Emulsion Polymerization Processes

It will be held in Donostia / San Sebastián, Spain on September 8-12, 2025.

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3scUSd8E9Y


The course is designed for scientists and engineers from industry and academia actively interested in emulsion polymerization.


Joxe Mari Korta Center, Avda. Tolosa, 72, 20018, Donostia-San Sebastian (SPAIN) 

Course fee

Attendance will be 1,500 € (free of bank transfer charges)

Company members of the Industrial Liaison Program in Polymerization in Dispersed Media may register two people free of charge. Additional personnel from these companies may also register at half of the regular fee.

Payment method     Bank Transfer

Online registration        Registration closed.

A limited number of rooms have been blocked at special rates, in one hotel and a residence near the course location. Modern single rooms in the Olarain university residence are available at a rate of      single room, breakfast and tax included.

Bookings: xxxxx@olarain.com Please provide the Ref. EPP2025

Hotel NH Aranzazu offers rooms at a rate of 559.50 € (per 5 nights: check in September 7, check out September 12, 2025 breakfast and tax included).

Bookings: nhcollectionaranzazu@nh-hotels.com . Please provide the Ref. Workshop EPP2025
Each participant must arrange directly her/his reservation and will be charged by the hotel for room costs and extras. Please note that availability and price of these rooms are guaranteed until June 15, 2025.
Other accommodation can be found in

We acknowledge Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa / Convention Bureau for its help providing maps and information about the city.