PRAXIS Research Group
Javier Belastegui

I obtained a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and a Master's degree in Philosophy, Science and Values at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU).
I am currently undertaking my PhD Studies within the Philosophy, Science and Values PhD Program (University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU) under the supervision of professor Thomas Mormann, with a four year grant provided by the Basque Government. During 2019 I made a 3-month stay at the Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP). I am also a member of the Topological Philosophy Group, at the International Center for Formal Ontology:
My PhD research revolves around the notion of similarity and the problem of natural kinds. I am particularly interested in formal models of similarity. I am also interested in other topics concerning Formal Metaphysics.