Natalia Yerashenia, David Chan You Fee, Alexander Bolotov. Developing a Generic Predictive Computational Model using Semantic data Pre-Processing with Machine Learning Techniques and its applications for Stock Market Prediction Purposes. CBI (1) 2022: 50-59.
Alexander Bolotov. On the Expressive Power of the Normal Form for Branching-Time Temporal Logics. NCL 2022: 254-269.
Jon Pérez, Jose Luis Flores, Christian Blum, Jesús Cerquides, Alex Abuin. Optimization Techniques and Formal Verification for the Software Design of Boolean Algebra Based Safety-Critical Systems. IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics 18(1): 620-630.
Alex Abuin, Unai Díaz de Cerio, Montserrat Hermo and Paqui Lucio. Verified Model Checking for Conjunctive Positive Logics. Actas de las XXI Jornadas de Programación y Lenguajes (PROLE 2022). Santiago de Compostela.