Courses taught in English 2024/25
Courses taught in English
Semester 1: September-January
Semester 2: February-June
* High level of mathematics is required
English Friendly Courses (EFC)
These courses will be taught in their original language (generally Spanish and Basque in some cases) But lecturer will accept students that do not have high communication skills in these languages. They are willing to have tutorship sessions in English or correct exams or works answered in English.
English Friendly Courses | Level | Semester | ECTS Credits | Taught in |
Arquitectura de computadores | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Introducción a los sistemas operativos | Bsc | 2 | 6 | Spanish |
Servicios y aplicaciones en Red | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish/Basque |
Modelos abstractos de cómputo | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Minería de datos | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Interacción personal computador | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Gestión avanzada de información | Bsc | 2 | 6 | Spanish |
Métodos estadísticos avanzados | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish/Basque |
Métodos formales de desarrollo de software | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Procesado digital de sonido e Imagen | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Electrónica aplicada al tratamiento de datos | Bsc | 2 | 6 | Spanish |
Razonamiento automático | Bsc | 2 | 6 | Spanish/Basque |
Heurísticos de búsqueda | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Basque |
Señales y sistemas | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Aprendizaje automático avanzado | Bsc | 1 | 6 | Spanish |
Realidad virtual y aumentada | Msc | 2 | 3 | Spanish |