
L. Kortazar, S. Alberdi, A.Rodriguez-Iruretagoiena, J. Sáez, J. Agirre, N.Goienaga, A. Tirapu, E. Tynan, L. A. Fernández. A seasonal study of three estuaries from the biscay coast with different pollution levels. 13th International Estuarine, Biogeochemistry Symposium (IEBS). Burdeos (Francia), 2015.
A. Rodriguez-Iruretagoiena, N. Elejoste, A. Gredilla, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, G. Arana, J. M. Madariaga and A. de Diego. Historical records and geographical distribution of metallic pollution in sediments of the estuary of the Nerbioi-Ibaizabal (Bilbao, Basque Country). 13th International Estuarine, Biogeochemistry Symposium (IEBS). Bordeaux (France), 2015.
I. Arrizabalaga, I. Costantini, G. Arana and J.M. Madariaga. In situ classification and identification of inorganic efflorescence salts by means of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and chemometric tools. TechnArt2015 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. Catania (Italy), 2015.
H. Morillas, I. Marcaida, M. Maguregui, I. Arrizabalaga and J.M. Madariaga. SEM-EDS, XRD and Raman spectroscopy applied to the characterization of black crust formation on sandstone from La Galea Fortress. TechnArt2015 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. Catania (Italy), 2015.
C. García-Florentino, Maite Maguregui, Héctor Morillas, J. Aramendia and J.M. Madariaga. Multianalytical methodology applied to the characterization of the original composition and pathologies present in early 20th century concrete from the inside of Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, North of Spain). TechnArt2015 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. Catania (Italy), 2015.
J. Aramendia, L. Gomez-Nubla, K. Castro, L. Bellot-Gurlet and J.M. Madariaga. Non-destructive multi-analytical method to perform a global assessment of the conservation state of weathering steel sculptures. TechnArt2015 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. Catania (Italy), 2015.
D. Floreal, A. Mounier, J. Pérez-Arantegui, N. Prieto-Taboada, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, K. Castro. Hyperspectral imaging applied to the analysis of Goya paintings in the Museum of Zaragoza (Spain). TechnArt2015 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in art and cultural heritage. Catania (Italia), 2015.
B. Herrero de la Parte, I. García-Alonso, E. Garaio, M. Insausti, J. M. Aizpurua, N. Etxebarria, A. Saiz-Lopez, J. J. Echevarria-Uraga. RGD-Magnetic-Nanoparticles induced hyperthermia was followed by necrosis of colorectal cancer cells growing in the rat liver. The 50th Congress of the European Society for Surgical Research. Liverpool (UK), 2015.
L. Mijangos, H. Ziarrusta, M. Olivares, O. Zuloaga, A. Prieto, N. Etxebarria. Multiresidue analysis of a wide variety of organic pollutant in aqueous samples based on polyethersulfone microextraction and solid phase extraction coupled to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. Leipzig (Germany), 2015.
I. Zabaleta, L. Mijangos, N. Etxebarria, A. Prieto, O. Zuloaga. Fast, simple and simultaneous determination of perfluorinated compounds and their potential precursors in different packaging materials by focused ultrasound solid-liquid extraction and liquid chromatography-electrospray tandem mass-spectrometry. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. Leipzig (Germany), 2015.
H. Zuarrusta, M. Olivares, L. Mijangos, A. Prieto, O. Zuloaga, N. Etxebarria. Determination of tricyclic antidrepressants in water, fish and mussel tissue by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. Leipzig (Germany), 2015.
L. Arana, O. Aizpurua-Olaizola, A. Usobiaga, F.M. Goñi, I. Alkorta. Solid lipid nanoparticles for delivery of Calendula extracts. IMAGENANO 2015. Bilbao (Spain), 2015.
A. Rodriguez-Iruretagoiena, A. Gredilla, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, G. Arana, J. M. Madariaga, J. C. Auguet, A. Gonzalez, L. Camarero, A. de Diego. Pirineoetako altuera handiko lakuetako sedimentuak, inguruko kutsadura metalikoaren adierazle. Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz, I. kongresua. Durango (Euskal Herria), 2015.
A. de Diego, N. Elejoste, A. Rodriguez-Iruretagoiena, A. Gredilla, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, G. Arana, C. G. Ramos, M. L. S. Oliveira, L. F. O. Silva, J. M. Madariaga. A new methodology for the identification of hotspots of chemical pollution in contaminated soils. VII Simposio Nacional de Control de la Degradación y Restauración de los Suelos. Bilbao (Euskal Herria), 2015.
A. Iturregui, N. Arrieta, A. de Diego, N. Olazabal, I. Martinez-Arkarazo, J. M. Madariaga. Distribution of metals in temperate beachrocks. International Symposium on Metal Complexes. ISMEC 2015. Wroclaw (Polonia), 2015.
O. Liñero, M. Cidad, J. A. Carrero, C. Nguyen, A. de Diego. Accumulation and translocation of macro, micronutrients, non-essential and toxic elements by Swiss chards (Beta vulgaris subspecies cycla) cultivated in open-air plots under organic or conventional farming techniques. 2nd Annual Food Analysis Congress. Cambridge (Reino Unido), 2015.
O. Liñero, A. de Diego, C. Nguyen. Accumulation and translocation of essential and nonessential elements by vegetables grown up in open-air plots under organic or conventional farming techniques. Bordeaux-Euskampus Symposium. Donostia (Euskal Herria), 2015.
N. Arrieta, A. Iturregui, M. A. Olazabal, I. Martínez-Arkarazo. J. M. Madariaga. Spectroscopic characterization of technofossils encrusted on the cemented matrix of beachrocks. EMEC16-The 16th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry. Torino (Italia), 2015.
M. A. Olazabal, L. Blanco-Zubiaguirre, A. Iturregui, N. Arrieta, I. Martínez-Arkarazo. M. Olivares, K. Castro. New extraction approach to determine organic compounds on beachrock samples from temperate latitudes. EMEC16-The 16th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry. Torino (Italia), 2015.
A. de Diego, N. Elejoste, A. Rodriguez-Iruretagoiena, A. Gredilla, S. Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, G. Arana, C.G. Ramos, M.L.S. Oliveira, L.F.O. Silva, J.M. Madariaga. A new methodology for the identification of hotspots of chemical pollution in contaminated soils. CONDEGRES2015. VII Simposio Nacional sobre Control de la Degradación y Restauración de Suelos. Bilbao, 2015.
Laura García-Boullosa, Julene Aramendia, Marco Veneranda, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, Mikel Neira, Kepa Castro, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Iñaki García-Camino. Estudio y conservación de objetos metálicos procedentes de una necrópolis medieval costera (Castillo de Ereñozar, Bizkaia). METALESPAÑA 2015. Segovia (Spain), 2015.
Marco Veneranda, Ilaria Constantini, Julene Aramendia, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, Laura Garcia, Iñaki Garcia, Kepa Castro, Agustin Azkarate, Juan Manuel Madariaga. Raman imaging y analisis SCA (Structual and Chemical Analyzer): Herramientas analiticas aplicadas al studio de hierros arqueológicos. TechnoHeritage 2015. Estudio y Conservacion del Parimonio Cultural. Málaga, 2015.
O. Ros, O. Posada, A. Delgado, A. Vallejo, M. Olivares, A. Prieto, N Etxebarria. Iomonitorizazio teknika berrien garapena ingurugiroko kutsatzaile organikoen biokontzentrazioa determinatzeko. I. Ikergazte Nazioarteko ikerketa euskaraz. Durango (Spain), 2015.
I. Marcaida, M. Maguregui, H. Morillas, T. Aguayo,V. Pintus, M. Mariano Campos-Vallette, M. Schreiner. Portable SERS analysis assisted with additional techniques to characterize the ancient recipe used to prepare Pompeian pink and purple pigments. 8th Congress on Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology. Wroclaw (Polonia), 2015.
H. Morillas, M. Maguregui, C. Paris, L. Bellot-Gurlet, P. Colomban, J.M. Madariaga. The role of marine aerosol in the formation of sulphate and dousble sulphate nitrate salts in gypsum based materials of plasters from the inner areas of the Igueldo Lighthouse (San Sebastian, Basque Country, north of Spain). 8th Congress on Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology. Wroclaw (Polonia), 2015.
C. García-Florentino, M. Prieto-Taboada, M. Maguregui, H. Morillas, U. Balziskueta, G. Arana, J.M. Madariaga. Portable Raman and Raman imaging usefulness in emergency analyses to detect decaying on building materials from Punta Begoña Galleries (Getxo, North of Spain). 8th Congress on Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology. Wroclaw (Polonia), 2015.
M. Irazola, O. Posada, H. Ziarrusta, J. Macho, U. Izagirre, L. Garmendia, M. Olivares, K. Castro, N. Etxebarria. Multidisciplinary approach to monitor and assess the effects on mussels exposed to hydrophobic organic micro-contaminants. SEQA 2015. Santiago de Compostela (España), 2015.
Floréal Daniel, Aurélie Mounier, Josefina Pérez-Arantegui, Nagore Prieto-Taboada, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo and Kepa Castro. Hyperspectral imaging applied to the analysis of Goya paintings in the Museum of Zaragoza (Spain). TechnArt2015 - Non-destructive and microanalytical techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage. Catania (Italia), 2015.
Laura Blanco-Zubiaguirre, Maitane Olivares, Javier García Iñañez, Kepa Castro, Juan Manuel Madariaga. Characterization of organic residues in archaeological ceramic vessels used in Basque Whalers from 16th to 17th century by means of LVI-PTV-GC-MS. Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale 2015. Figueira da Foz (Portugal), 2015.
Ilaria Costantini, Marco Veneranda, Nagore Prieto, Iker Arrizabalaga, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Kepa Castro, Juan Manuel Madariaga. Comparison of semi-quantification experimental methodologies using micro-Raman spectroscopy: PALME software as an alternative tool for the study of salts efflorescence. ArtRaman 2015. Wroclaw (Polonia), 2015.
Kepa Castro. From the laboratory to the field: Vibrational Spectroscopy, Science and Past: Light-matter interactions in heritage studies. 7th Interdisciplinary Course. Zaragoza (España), 2015.
Marco Veneranda, Ilaria Costantini, Julene Aramendia, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, Laura Garcia, Iñaki García, Kepa Castro, Agustín Azkarate, Juan Manuel Madariaga. Comparativa entre las variables mas efectivas para la desalinización de hierros arqueológicos afectados por cloruros. TechnoHeritage 2015. Estudio y Conservacion del Parimonio Cultural. Málaga (España), 2015.
Marco Veneranda, Ilaria Costantini, Julene Aramendia, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, Laura Garcia, Iñaki García, Kepa Castro, Agustín Azkarate, Juan Manuel Madariaga. Raman imaging y analisis SCA (structural and chemical analyzer): herramientas analíticas aplicadas al estudio de hierros arqueológicos. TechnoHeritage 2015. Estudio y Conservacion del Parimonio Cultural. Málaga (España), 2015.
Marco Veneranda, Laura Garcia, Ludovic Bellot-Gurlet, Kepa Castro, Iñaki García-Camino, Agustín Azkarate, Juan Manuel Madariaga. Tratamiento de espectros FTIR con el programa PALME: una nueva herramienta para diagnosticar el estado de conservación de hierros arqueológicos. MetalEspaña 2015. Segovia (España), 2015.
Laura García-Boullosa, Julene Aramendia, Marco Veneranda, Silvia Fdez-Ortiz de Vallejuelo, Mikel Neira, Kepa Castro, Juan Manuel Madariaga, Iñaki García-Camino. Estudio y conservación de objetos metálicos procedentes de una necrópolis medieval costera (Castillo de Ereñozar, Bizkaia). MetalEspaña 2015. Segovia (España), 2015.
M.A. Olazabal, L. Blanco-Zubiaguirre, N. Arrieta, A. Iturregui, I. Martinez-Arkarazo, M. Olivares, K. Castro. New extraction approach to determine organic compounds in beachrock samples from temperate latitudes. EMEC16. Turín (Italia), 2015.
Iñañez, J.G.; Calparsoro Forcada, E.; Arana Momoitio, G.; Castro de Pinedo, K.; Escribano-Ruiz, S.; Gómez de Segura, B. Producción Alavesa de Cerámica Popular Vasca: el horno de Ollerías (Elosu, Araba). XI Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría. Evora (Portugal), 2015.
J. G. Iñañez, J. Bettencourt, I. Pinto Coelho, G. Arana, K. Castro and A. Teixeira. Hit and sunk: Provenance and alterations of ceramics from a Spanish 17th century Angra D shipwreck (O-48). 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics. Atenas (Grecia), 2015.
J. G. Iñañez, G. Arana-Momoitio, K. Castro de Pinedo, E. Calparsoro-Forcada and S. Escribano Ruiz. Ceramic containers and Iberian trade: provenance of 16th - 18th century tinajas from Lekeitio (Biscay) (P-123). 13th European Meeting on Ancient Ceramics. Atenas (Grecia), 2015.