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intro master psicodidac

Psychodidactics: Master’s Degree in Education Psychology and Specific Didactics

Psychodidactics refers to a common field where the Psychology of Education and Specific Didactics meet, in other words, the branch of Psychology that is especially interested in the learning/teaching processes and the didactic concern regarding the organisation and teaching/learning of the different academic content.

In addition to delving further into the academic training of educators, this Master prepares students for training in educational research in two main fields of psychodidactics: sociopersonal counselling/education and teaching/learning of academic content, or specific didactics.

To this end, the training programme covers the psychoeducational variables that intervene in learning, as well as their relationship to social and personal adjustment in the area of education.

This Master also provides the knowledge in research methodology required to design and perform research in education with a gender perspective.

This Master prepares for access to the Doctorate Programme in Psychodidactics: Psychology of Education and Specific Didactics.