
Publicaciones de los miembros del grupo en 2020


Backes,C; Abdelkader,AM; Alonso,C; Andrieux-Ledier,A; Arenal,R; Azpeitia,J; Balakrishnan,N; Banszerus,L; Barjon,J; Bartali,R; Bellani,S; Berger,C; Berger,R; Ortega,MMB; Bernard,C; Beton,PH; Beyer,A; Bianco,A; Boggild,P; Bonaccorso,F; Barin,GB; Botas,C; Prato,M; Prevost,H; Prudkovskiy,V; Pugno,N; Rojo,T; Rossi,A; Ruffieux,P; Samori,P; Schue,L; Setijadi,E; Seyller,T; Speranza,G; Stampfer,C; Stenger,I; Strupinski,W; Svirko,Y; Taioli,S; Teo,KBK; Testi,M; Tomarchio,F; Tortello,M; Treossi,E; Turchanin,A; Vazquez,E; Villaro,E; Whelan,PR; Xia,ZY; Yakimova,R; Yang,S; Yazdi,GR; Yim,C; Yoon,D; Zhang,XH; Zhuang,XD; Colombo,L; Ferrari,AC; Garcia- Hernandez,M

Production and processing of graphene and related materials

2D Materials (2020), 7, 2, 022001

DOI 10.1088/2053-1583/ab1e0a


Berlanga,C; Monterrubio,I; Armand,M; Rojo,T; Galceran,M; Casas-Cabanas,M

Cost-Effective Synthesis of Triphylite-NaFePO4 Cathode: A Zero-Waste Process

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020), 8, 2, 725-730

DOI 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b05736


Browne, Michelle P.; Redondo, Edurne; Pumera, Martin

3D Printing for Electrochemical Energy Applications

Chemical Reviews (2020), 120(5), 2783-2810

DOI 10.1021/acs.chemrev.9b00783


Cabello,M; Gucciardi,E; Herran,A; Carriazo,D; Villaverde,A; Rojo,T

Towards a High-Power Si@graphite Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries through a Wet Ball Milling Process

Molecules (2020), 25(11), 2494

DOI 10.3390/molecules25112494


Castellanos-Rubio,I; Rodrigo,I; Olazagoitia-Garmendia,A; Arriortua,O; Gil de de Muro,I; Garitaonandia,JS; Bilbao,JR; Fdez-Gubieda,ML; Plazaola,F; Orue,I; Castellanos-Rubio,A; Insausti,M

Highly Reproducible Hyperthermia Response in Water, Agar, and Cellular Environment by Discretely PEGylated Magnetite Nanoparticles

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020), 12, 25, 27917-27929

DOI 10.1021/acsami.0c03222


Chacon, Francisco J.; Sanchez-Monedero, Miguel A.; Lezama, Luis; Cayuela, Maria L.

Enhancing biochar redox properties through feedstock selection, metal preloading and post-pyrolysis treatments

Chemical Engineering Journal (2020), 395, 125100

DOI 10.1016/j.cej.2020.125100


Destephen, Aurelie; Lezama, Luis; Ballard, Nicholas

Lewis acid-surfactant complex catalyzed polymerization in aqueous dispersed media: cationic or radical polymerization?

Polymer Chemistry (2020), 11(36), 5757-5766

DOI 10.1039/d0py00363h


Eshetu,GG; Elia,GA; Armand,M; Forsyth,M; Komaba,S; Rojo,T; Passerini,S

Electrolytes and Interphases in Sodium-Based Rechargeable Batteries: Recent Advances and Perspectives

Advanced Energy Materials (2020), 10, 20, 2000093

DOI 10.1002/aenm.202000093


Fernandez-Izquierdo,L; Sosa-Acosta,JR; Jimenez-Hernandez,L; del Toro,PO; Rodriguez,MO; Insausti,M; Gil de Muro,I; Rojo,T; Diaz-Garcia,AM

ZnO Nanoparticles Photosensitization Using Ruthenium(II)-polypyridyl Isomeric Complexes

ChemistrySelect (2020), 5(8), 2528-2534

DOI 10.1002/slct.201904395


Goikolea, Eider; Palomares, Veronica; Wang, Shijian; de Larramendi, Idoia Ruiz; Guo, Xin; Wang, Guoxiu; Rojo, Teofilo

Na-Ion Batteries-Approaching Old and New Challenges

Advanced Energy Materials (2020), 10(44), 2002055

DOI 10.1002/aenm.202002055


Gomez Urbano, Juan Luis; Enterria, Marina; Monterrubio, Iciar; Ruiz de Larramendi, Idoia; Carriazo, Daniel; Ortiz Vitoriano, Nagore; Rojo, Teofilo

An Overview of Engineered Graphene-Based Cathodes: Boosting Oxygen Reduction and Evolution Reactions in Lithium- and Sodium-Oxygen Batteries

ChemSusChem (2020), 13(6), 1203-1225

DOI 10.1002/cssc.201902972


Gomez-Urbano, Juan Luis; Moreno-Fernandez, Gelines; Arnaiz, Maria; Ajuria, Jon; Rojo, Teofilo; Carriazo, Daniel

Graphene-coffee waste derived carbon composites as electrodes for optimized lithium ion capacitors

Carbon (2020), 162, 273-282

DOI 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.02.052


Gonzalez-Izquierdo,P; Fabelo,O; Beobide,G; Cano,I; de Larramendi,IR; Vallcorba,O; Fernandez,JR; Fernandez-Diaz,MT; Pedro,ID

 Crystal structure, magneto-structural correlation, thermal and electrical studies of an imidazolium halometallate molten salt: (trimim)[FeCl4]

RSC Advances(2020), 10(19), 11200-11209

DOI 10.1039/d0ra00245c


Grandjean, Fernande; Long, Gary J.; Evrard, Roger; Chung, U-Chan; Larrea, Edurne S.; Ruiz de Larramendi, Idoia; Arriortua, Maria Isabel; Rojo, Teofilo

Impact of Lithium and Potassium Cations on the Mossbauer Spectral and Electrical Properties of Two Mixed-Valence Iron(II/III) Phosphites

Chemistry of Materials (2020), 32(13), 5534-5540

DOI 10.1021/acs.chemmater.0c00354


Harindu Hemasiri, Naveen; Kazim, Samrana; Calio, Laura; Paek, Sanghyun; Salado, Manuel; Pozzi, Gianluca; Lezama, Luis; Nazeeruddin, Mohammad Khaja; Ahmad, Shahzada

Elucidating the Doping Mechanism in Fluorene-Dithiophene-Based Hole Selective Layer Employing Ultrahydrophobic Ionic Liquid Dopant

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020), 12(8), 9395-9403

DOI 10.1021/acsami.0c00818


Ibarbia, Antton; Sanchez-Abella, Laura; Lezama, Luis; Grande, Hans J.; Ruiz, Virginia

Graphene quantum dot-based hydrogels for photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes

Applied Surface Science (2020), 527, 146937

DOI 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.146937


Lozano,I; Cordoba,D; Rodriguez,HB; Landa-Medrano,I; Ortiz-Vitoriano,N; Rojo,T; de Larramendi,IR; Calvo,EJ

Singlet oxygen formation in NaO2 battery cathodes catalyzed by ammonium Bronsted acid

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (2020), 872, 114265

DOI 10.1016/j.jelechem.2020.114265


Lozano, Inigo; Ruiz de Larramendi, Idoia; Ortiz-Vitoriano, Nagore

Electrolytes for Na-O2 batteries: towards a rational design

Materials Research Foundations (2020), 76(Sodium-Ion Batteries), 205-228

DOI 10.21741/9781644900833-9


Munuera,JM; Paredes,JI; Enterria,M; Villar-Rodil,S; Kelly,AG; Nalawade,Y; Coleman,JN; Rojo,T; Ortiz-Vitoriano,N; Martinez-Alonso,A; Tascon,JMD

High Performance Na-O-2 Batteries and Printed Microsupercapacitors Based on Water-Processable, Biomolecule-Assisted Anodic Graphene

ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020), 12, 1, 494-50

DOI 10.1021/acsami.9b15509


Orive, Joseba; Fernandez de Luis, Roberto; Larrea, Edurne S.; Martinez- Amesti, Ana; Altomare, Angela; Rizzi, Rosanna; Lezama, Luis; Arriortua, Maria I.; Gomez-Camer, Juan Luis; Jauregui, Maria

Exploring new hydrated delta type vanadium oxides for lithium intercalation

Dalton Transactions (2020), 49(12), 3856-3868

DOI 10.1039/c9dt04088a


Ortiz-Vitoriano,N; Monterrubio,I; Garcia-Quintana,L; del Amo,JML; Chen,FF; Rojo,T; Howlett,PC; Forsyth,M; Pozo-Gonzalo,C

Highly Homogeneous Sodium Superoxide Growth in Na-O-2 Batteries Enabled by a Hybrid Electrolyte

ACS Energy Letters, 5, 3, 903-909

DOI 10.1021/acsenergylett.0c00081


Pajuelo-Corral, Oier; Zabala-Lekuona, Andoni; San Sebastian, Eider; Rodriguez-Dieguez, Antonio; Garcia, Jose Angel; Lezama, Luis; Colacio, Enrique; Seco, Jose M.; Cepeda, Javier

Modulating Magnetic and Photoluminescence Properties in 2-Aminonicotinate- Based Bifunctional Coordination Polymers by Merging 3d Metal Ions

Chemistry - A European Journal (2020), 26(59), 13484-13498

DOI 10.1002/chem.202002755


Palomares, Verónica; Hueso, Karina B.; Armand, Michel; Rojo, Teófilo

High-Temperature Battery Technologies: Na-S

Encyclopedia of Electrochemistry: Batteries. pp. 371 - 406


Palomares,V; Iturrondobeitia,A; Sanchez-Fontecoba,P; Goonetilleke,D; Sharma,N; Lezama,L; Rojo,T

Iron-Doped Sodium-Vanadium Fluorophosphates: Na3V2-yO2-yFey(PO4) (2)F1+y (y < 0.3)

Inorganic Chemistry (2020), 59(1), 854-862

DOI 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.9b03111


Panja,T; Ajuria,J; Diez,N; Bhattacharjya,D; Goikolea,E; Carriazo,D

Fabrication of high-performance dual carbon Li-ion hybrid capacitor: mass balancing approach to improve the energy-power density and cycle life

Scientific Reports (2020), 10(1), 10842

DOI 10.1038/s41598-020-67216-x


Qiao,LX; Judez,X; Rojo,T; Armand,M; Zhang,H

Polymer Electrolytes for Sodium Batteries

Journal of the Electrochemical Society (2020), 167, 7, 070534

DOI 10.1149/1945-7111/ab7aa0


Redondo Edurne; Ng Siowwoon; Munoz Jose; Pumera Martin

Tailoring capacitance of 3D-printed graphene electrodes by carbonisation temperature

Nanoscale (2020), 12(38), 19673-19680

DOI 10.1039/d0nr04864j


Rodrigo,I; Castellanos-Rubio,I; Garaio,E; Arriortua,OK; Insausti,M; Orue,I; Garcia,JA; Plazaola,F

 Exploring the potential of the dynamic hysteresis loops via high field, high frequency and temperature adjustable AC magnetometer for magnetic hyperthermia characterization

International Journal of Hyperthermia, 37, 1, 976-991

DOI 10.1080/02656736.2020.1802071


Ruiz de Larramendi,I; Ortiz-Vitoriano,N

Unraveling the Effect of Singlet Oxygen on Metal-O(2)Batteries: Strategies Toward Deactivation

Frontiers in Chemistry (2020), 8, 605

DOI 10.3389/fchem.2020.00605


Sagasti,A; Palomares,V; Porro,JM; Orue,I; Sanchez-Ilarduya,MB; Lopes,AC; Gutierrez,J

Magnetic, Magnetoelastic and Corrosion Resistant Properties of (Fe-Ni)-Based Metallic Glasses for Structural Health Monitoring Applications

Materials (2020), 13, 1, 57

DOI 10.3390/ma13010057


Saiz, Paula G.; Iglesias, Naroa; Gonzalez Navarrete, Barbara; Rosales, Maibelin; Quintero, Yurieth Marcela; Reizabal, Ander; Orive, Joseba; Fidalgo Marijuan, Arkaitz; Larrea, Edurne S.; Lopes, Ana Catarina; Lezama, Luis; Garcia, Andreina

Chromium Speciation in Zirconium-Based Metal-Organic Frameworks for Environmental Remediation

Chemistry - A European Journal (2020), 26(61), 13861-13872

DOI 10.1002/chem.202001435


Stansby, Jennifer H.; Dose, Wesley M.; Sharma, Neeraj; Kimpton, Justin A.; Lopez del Amo, Juan Miguel; Gonzalo, Elena; Rojo, Teofilo

Structural evolution and electrochemistry of the Mn-Rich P2- Na2/3Mn0.9Ti0.05Fe0.05O2 positive electrode material

Electrochimica Acta (2020), 341, 135978

DOI 10.1016/j.electacta.2020.135978


Vitoriano,NO; de Larramendi,IR; Sacci,RL; Lozano,I; Bridges,CA; Arcelus,O; Enterria,M; Carrasco,J; Rojo,T; Veith,GM

Goldilocks and the three glymes: How Na+ solvation controls Na-O-2 battery cycling

Energy Storage Materials (2020), 29, 235-245

DOI 10.1016/j.ensm.2020.04.034


Wang,YZ; Zhou,D; Palomares,V; Shanmukaraj,D; Sun,B; Tang,X; Wang,CS; Armand,M; Rojo,T; Wang,GX

Revitalising sodium-sulfur batteries for non-high-temperature operation: a crucial review

Energy & Environmental Science (2020), 13, 11, 3848-3879

DOI 10.1039/d0ee02203a


Yang,LT; del Amo,JML; Shadike,Z; Bak,SM; Bonilla,F; Galceran,M; Nayak,PK; Buchheim,JR; Yang,XQ; Rojo,T; Adelhelm,P

A Co- and Ni-Free P2/O3 Biphasic Lithium Stabilized Layered Oxide for Sodium-Ion Batteries and its Cycling Behavior

Advanced Functional Materials (2020), 30(42), 2003364

DOI 10.1002/adfm.202003364


Zhou,D; Tang,X; Guo,X; Li,P; Shanmukaraj,D; Liu,H; Gao,XC; Wang,YZ; Rojo,T; Armand,M; Wang,GX

Polyolefin-Based Janus Separator for Rechargeable Sodium Batteries

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition (2020), 59(38), 16725-16734

DOI 10.1002/anie.202007008


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