Admission of students in the Language courses of the academic year 2024-2025 is already closed.
UPV/EHU´s Vice-Rectorates for Basque and Language Planning and Transference and Internationalization offers free Spanish and Basque courses to all our incoming exchange program students (Erasmus +, SICUE, Latin America and Other Destinations). In addition, students from the ENLIGHT European University can also take free online Spanish courses.
Courses are also opened, if there are places available, to other UPV/EHU´s visiting students, researchers or staff upon the payment of the fee established for each course.
Students interested in taking part in these courses must fill out the online registration form and follow the instructions specified for each course. Students not correctly registered and, therefore, not appearing in the official lists of the teachers, will not be allowed in class, nor receive any credits or grades for these courses.
These courses are not opened to students outside the UPV/EHU.
We strongly recommend students to read the following regulations before fulfilling their registration in the courses
Dates and schedules of the courses might vary according to each campus academic calendars. We will inform students of any change directly via e-mail and the information will also be updated in this website as soon as possible.
Information common to all courses:
- Evaluation, certificates and credits
- Information regarding personal data processing
- Important comments regarding the courses
Information and contact
Secretary of Language Courses for Visitor Students
Vice-Rectorate of the Campus of Alava - International Relations Office
Comandante Izarduy, 2
01006 Vitoria-Gasteiz
Contact person: María Carpintero
Phone number: (0034) 945 013356