

Resumen The Volkswagen Foundation supports research in the humanities and social sciences, as well as the use of science and technology in higher education. They periodically release open calls on a variety of topics, including societal and academic challenges, international post-doctoral fellowships, and research in the digital age.

The Volkswagen Foundation funds research projects in ground-breaking areas and provides assistance to academic institutions for the improvement of the structural conditions for their work. In particular, the Foundation perceives its mission in supporting aspiring young academics and in promoting interdisciplinary and international collaboration.


The Foundation focuses its funding activities on selected initiatives. By means of these initiatives, it endeavors to provide effective stimuli for research and to establish forward-looking topics. The funding initiatives are grouped into the areas:

    Persons and Structures
    Challenges - for Academia and Society
    International Focus
    Research in the Digital Age
    Completed Initiatives

Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES)
Resumen The object of the Association is to advance education for the public benefit through the promotion of teaching and research in contemporary European Studies.

The UACES primarily makes small grants to support events and collaborative networks related to the study of contemporary Europe.

It makes regular calls for proposals.


•Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs)

•Small Event Grants

•UACES Scholarships for Postgraduate Students

•Travel Support

Wenner-Gren Foundation (Anthropology)
Resumen This private foundation is dedicated to the advancement of anthropology throughout the world. It is particularly concerned with human biological and cultural origins, development, and variation.

The Wenner-Gren Foundation provides research support at the post-graduate level and beyond, and also funds conferences and workshops.

Most of its programs have 2 deadlines per year.


•Dissertation Fieldwork Grants

•Post-PhD Research Grants

•Feijos Postdoctoral Fellowship in Ethnographic Film

•International Collaborative Research Grants


Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation (Violence and Aggression)
Resumen This foundation requests proposals from any of the natural and social sciences and the humanities that promise to increase understanding of the causes, manifestations, and control of violence and aggression. Questions that interest the foundation concern violence and aggression in relation to social change, intergroup conflict, war, terrorism, crime, and family relationships, among other subjects.

The Guggenheim Foundation provides 1-2 year grants ranging from US$15.000-40.000.

Annual deadline: August 1.

Modalidad •Research Grants
American Psychological Foundation
Resumen This foundation fund research related to behaviors and health, reducing stigma and prejudice, understanding and preventing violence, and addressing psychological needs following disasters.

The APA Foundation primarily finances early career psychology research.

It has a wide variety of calls each year, many of which are open to non-U.S.-based investigators.


•Barlow Grant (anxiety)

•Wechsler Early Career Grant (neuropsychology, cognition)

•Rosen Fund Grants (gifted children)

•McGuigan Prize on Understanding the Human Mind

• Others


Más información:

Proyectos de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades

Asociación para el empleo juvenil: estudios de evaluación en España, Hungría, Italia y Polonia

Programa específico: EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment

UPV/EHU: Beneficiary

UPV/EHU IP: Sara de la RICA

Inicio del proyecto: 01/10/2018

Fin del proyecto: 30/09/2021

Breve descripción: El proyecto tiene como objetivo evaluar las iniciativas de empleo dirigidas a los jóvenes en España, Hungría, Italia y Polonia. Los países participantes comparten desafíos comunes de alto desempleo juvenil y baja capacidad para realizar estudios de impacto de alta calidad de las iniciativas de empleo juvenil.

El proyecto evaluará dos conjuntos de iniciativas: actividades de divulgación de los Servicios Públicos de Empleo (SPE) y pruebas de empleo/subsidios laborales para diferentes contratos laborales ofrecidos a los jóvenes, con especial atención a la dimensión de género de la orientación y los resultados de las políticas. Utilizaremos métodos armonizados de evaluación basados ​​en datos administrativos similares, que se exploran poco en los países de Europa Central, Oriental y del Sur.

Además, el proyecto fortalecerá la capacidad de las instituciones de investigación para implementar estudios de evaluación de iniciativas de empleo mediante la creación de una red transnacional de investigación sobre políticas de empleo juvenil, pasantías para estudiantes de doctorado y talleres sobre métodos de evaluación para investigadores de otras instituciones. También promoverá el uso de estudios de impacto entre los responsables de la formulación de políticas.