

EREF Environmental Research and Education Foundation
Resumen A foundation that Funds and directs scientific research and educational initiatives for waste management practices to benefit industry participants and the communities they serve.

The objective of this foundation is to finance projects relating to environmental engineering, management, and education in the areas of waste minimization, recycling, waste conversion, landfills, etc.

Modalidad Project funding ranges from US$15.000-500.000.

There are two annual pre-proposal deadlines on January 6 and July 1. Selected applicants from the pre-proposal phase will be invited to submit full proposals.



Simons Foundation
Resumen Mathematical, physical, and biological sciences

The mission of the Simons Foundation is to advance the frontiers of mathematics and basic sciences. The foundation funds high-risk basic research in mathematics and physical sciences, life sciences, autism, and education and outreach.


There are a variety of open calls for proposals throughout the year. Here are some examples:

Targeted Grants in Mathematics and Physical Sciences
• Up to five years of funding for high-risk projects
• Applications may be submitted at any time.

Targeted Grants to Institutes for Mathematics and Physical Sciences
• Financing of US$100.000-200.000/year is available for up to five years to support centers of excellence in the mathematical and physical sciences.
• Open calls are available each summer.

Autism Research Initiative
• This fund supports research on the mechanisms of autism and on potential therapeutic approaches.
• One-year projects will be funded for up to US$70.000.
• Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Engineering Information Foundation (EIF)
Resumen The mission of the foundation is to improve worldwide engineering education and practice through information technology and the recruitment of women.

The EIF funds work on communication in engineering, women in engineering, and developing countries.

It has deadlines in February and August of each year.


 • Enhancing Communication and Use of Information in Engineering

• Women in Engineering: Directed by Engineering Educators

• Developing Countries
Google Foundation
Resumen Google is seeking long-term faculty relations to impact how future generations will use technology.
Objetivo  Google is interested in proposals about natural language processing, linguistics, software development, and many other fields.

Their foundation generally has 2-3 deadlines per year for each program.

Modalidad • Global Faculty Research Awards

• Earth Engine Awards (remote sensing)


Más información:

Proyectos de Ciencias Físicas e Ingeniería

F4E: Actividades experimentales en apoyo al diseño de HCLL y HCPB TBS: sistema de metal líquido e interfaces hidrógeno/metal

F4E logo

Programa específico: Fusion For Energy Joint Undertaking (F4E JU)
UPV/EHU: Tercero vinculado al consorcio de asociados de TBM (TBM-CA)
IP UPV/EHU: Igor Peñalva Bengoa
Inicio del proyecto: 15/09/2014
Fin del proyecto: 23/09/2016

Breve descripción: El objetivo de los servicios es realizar actividades experimentales en apoyo del diseño de las TBS HCLL y HCPB. Los servicios solicitados están relacionados principalmente con la verificación del rendimiento y el diseño del sistema de metal líquido, en particular el bucle de PbLi y la TBM HCLL. Los servicios 15 y 16, cuyo objetivo es proporcionar datos adicionales para evaluar la permeación de isótopos de hidrógeno a través de los materiales estructurales de la TBM, son relevantes para el diseño de todos los subsistemas de la TBS, incluidas las TBM HCLL y HCPB. Sin embargo, los insumos más relevantes para definir las actividades experimentales se derivan de las condiciones HCLL y HCPB TBM y TES, además del bucle PbLi.