Publicaciones en Revistas Internacionales
- Procedure for modelling and calibrating operating thermal systems in buildings Journal of Building Engineering, 2022; 45, Art. Number - 103530
- Thermoeconomic analysis in advanced cogeneration systems in buildings. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022; 9, Art. Number - 802971
- Development of a tool based on thermoeconomics to control and diagnosis building thermal facilities Energy, 2022; 239 (D), Art. Number - 122304
- Ventilation of buildings with heat recovery systems: Thorough energy and exergy analysis for indoor thermal wellness Journal of Building Engineering, 2021; 39, Art. Number - 102255
- Reflections on thermoeconomics as a methodological tool for sustainability in buildings Dyna, 2021; 96, 50 - 54
- Nonconformities, Deviation and Improvements in the Quality Control of Energy Performance Certificates in the Basque Country Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021; 75, Art. Number - 103286 - 2210-6707
- Advanced Exergy Analysis in the Dynamic Framework for Assessing Building Thermal Systems Entropy, 2020; 22(1), 32 - 55
- Overview and implementation of dynamic thermoeconomic & diagnosis analyses in HVAC&R systems Journal of Building Engineering (Q1), 2020; 32, Art. Number - 101429
- Application of Thermoeconomics in HVAC Systems Applied Sciences, 2020; 10(12), Art. Number - 4163
- Dynamic neural networks to analyze the behavior of phase change materials embedded in building envelopes Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019; 158
- A novel thermoeconomic analysis under dynamic operating conditions for space heating and cooling systems Energy, 2019; 180, 819 - 837
- Flat roof hygrothermal performance testing and evaluation International Journal of Building Pathology and Adaptation, 2019
12 Resultados por página
Tesis doctorales dirigidas
- Ignacio Santiago Gómez Arriaran "Caracterización higroscópica de materiales de construcción: Arcilla aligerada y picón" Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (UPV/EHU). 2007
- Koldobika Martín Escudero "Caracterización del comportamiento de los puentes térmicos en régimen estacionario y dinámico mediante ensayos y cálculo. Su influencia en la demanda energética de edificios de viviendas" Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (UPV/EHU). 2009
- Jose Antonio Millán García "Influencia de la humedad en la transmitancia térmica de los cerramientos y en la demanda energética de los edificios" Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (UPV/EHU). 2010
- Aitor Erkoreka González "Modeling and testing of green roof using the PASLINK methodology" Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (UPV/EHU). 2012
- Álvaro Campos Celador "Integration of latent thermal energy storage systems in the design and operation of residential cogeneration plants ." Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (UPV/EHU). 2012
- Jon Terés Zubiaga "Energy retrofits in social housing. Analysis of its thermal behaviour" Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Bilbao (UPV/EHU). 2014
6 Resultados por página