
Dr. Jesús Ferreiro Aparicio



Master de Investigación en Integración Económica

♦ Teoría y Política Macroeconómica

Master en Integración Política y Unión Económica en la Unión Europea

♦ La politica del tipo de cambio en la Unión Europea



  • Política Fiscal y Monetaria / Fiscal and Monetary Policy
  • Mercado de Trabajo / Labour Market


  • Ferreiro, J., Gálvez, C. and González, A. (2015) “Fiscal Policies in the European Union during the crisis”, Panoeconomicus, 62(2) (Special Issue), pp. 131-155 https://ideas.repec.org/s/voj/journl.html
    Download PDF: 01 Jesus Ferreiro, Catalina Galvez and Ana Gonzalez.pdf
  • Carrasco, C.A., and Ferreiro, J. (2014) “Latin American inflation differentials with the USA inflation: Does inflation targeting makes a difference?”, Journal of Economic Policy Reform, 17(1), pp. 13-32 https://ideas.repec.org/s/taf/jpolrf.html
  • Ferreiro, J. and Gómez, C (2014) “Implementing a voluntary wage policy: lessons from the Irish and Spanish wages policy before the crisis”, Panoeconomicus, 61(1), 102-127. https://ideas.repec.org/s/voj/journl.html
    Download PDF: 06 Jesus Ferreiro and Carmen Gomez.pdf
  • Ferreiro, J., Carrasco, C.A. and Gomez, C. (2014) “Convergence of public expenditures and implementation of a single model of public finances in the European Union”, Revista de Economía Mundial, 37, pp. 75-102.
    http://www.sem-wes.org/es/revista Download PDF: rem37_3.pdf
  • Ferreiro, J., Gómez, C. and Serrano G. (2014) “Conditions for a sustainable counter-cyclical fiscal policy: the case of Spain”, Journal of Economic Issues, 48(2), pp. 341-348.
  • Carrasco, C.A., and Ferreiro, J. (2013) “Inflation targeting in Mexico”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 35(3), 341-372
  • Carrasco, C.A., and Ferreiro, J. (2013) “Inflation targeting and inflation expectations in Mexico”, Applied Economics, 45(23), pp. 3295-3304
  • Ferreiro, J., García del Valle, M. y Gómez, C. (2013) “An Analysis of the Convergence of the Composition of Public Expenditures in EU Countries”, American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 72(4), 792-825
  • Ferreiro, J., Gómez, C. y Serrano, F. (2013) “Mistakes in the fiscal policy in Spain before the crisis”, Panoeconomicus, 60(5), pp. 577-592 https://ideas.repec.org/s/voj/journl.html Download PDF: 01.pdf
  • Ferreiro, J., y Serrano, F. (2013) “Labor flexibility, inequality, and the financial crisis”, Journal of Economic Issues, 47(2), pp. 567-574
  • Ferreiro, J., García del Valle, M. y Gómez, C. (2012) “Composition of public expenditures and macroeconomic performance in the European Union”, Intervention. European Journal of Economics and Economic Policies, 9(1), pp. 107-126 https://ideas.repec.org/s/elg/ejeepi.html
  • Ferreiro, J., García del Valle, M. y Gómez, C. (2012), “Similarities and differences in the composition of public expenditures in the European Union”, Journal of Economic Issues, 46(3), pp. 633-659  https://ideas.repec.org/s/mes/jeciss.html
  • Ferreiro, J., y Serrano, F. (2012) “Expectations, uncertainty and institutions. An application to the analysis of social security reforms”, International Review of Applied Economics, 26(2), pp. 253-266 https://ideas.repec.org/s/taf/irapec.html
  • Carrasco, C.A. y Ferreiro, J. (2011) “Inflation targeting and economic performance: the case of Mexico”, Panoeconomicus, 58(5), pp. 675-692
    Download PDF: 06 Carlos A. Carrasco.pdf
  • Ferreiro, J., y Serrano, F. (2011) “The institutional dimension of new economic policy”, International Journal of Public Policy, Vol 7, Nos. 1/2/3/, pp. 70-82 https://ideas.repec.org/s/ids/ijpubp.html
  • Ferreiro, J., y Serrano, F. (2011) “Uncertainty and pension systems reforms”, Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. XLV, No. 2, June, pp. 317-322 https://ideas.repec.org/s/mes/jeciss.html
  • Serrano, F., Eguía, B. y Ferreiro, J. (2011) “Public pensions’ sustainability and population ageing: Is immigration the solution?”, International Labour Review, Vol. 150, no. 1-2, pp. 63-79
  • Altuzarra, A., Ferreiro, J. y Serrano, F. (2010) “The role of global imbalances as a cause of the current crisis”, Journal of Innovation Economics, nº 6, pp. 25-48.
  • Ferreiro, J., García del Valle, M. y Gómez, C. (2010) “Social preferences and fiscal policies: an analysis of the composition of public expenditures in the European Union”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 32 (3), Spring, pp. 347-370. https://ideas.repec.org/s/mes/postke.html
  • Casilda Béjar, R. and Ferreiro Aparicio, J. (2009) “Las navajas sistémicas de la crisis financiera: estado, mercados y bancos”, Revista de Economía Mundial, 23, pp. 87-106.
  • Ferreiro, J. y Serrano, F. (2009) “El fenómeno de los global imbalances y la crisis financiera actual”, Ekonomiaz, 72, 180-197. http://www1.euskadi.net/ekonomiaz/taula1_c.apl?IDPUBL=67&pag=2
  • Ferreiro, J., Correa, E. y Gómez, C. (2008-9) “Has capital account liberalization in Latin American countries led to higher and more stable capital inflows?”, International Journal of Political Economy, vol. 37, num. 4, Winter 2008-2009, pp. 31-63 https://ideas.repec.org/s/mes/ijpoec.html
  • Ferreiro, J., García del Valle, M. y Gómez, C. (2009) “Is the composition of public expenditures converging in EMU countries?”, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 459-484 https://ideas.repec.org/s/mes/postke.html
  • Rodriguez, C., Gómez, C y Ferreiro, j.. (2009) “A proposal to improve UNCTAD’s Inward FDI Potencial Index”, Transnational Corporations, 18(3), pp. 85-113 Download PDF: Ferreiro1.pdf
  • Ferreiro, J. y Gómez, C. (2008) “Is wage policy again in the agenda of trade unions? Voluntary wage moderation in Spain”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, Vol 29, No. 1, pp. 64-95. http://eid.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/29/1/64